Help!!!!!!!! I'm stuck in Grand Rapids MI...and it's cold

Mar 22, 2008 11:24

...I have been stuck in GR MI for a minute- came up on Tuesday, should have left yesterday morning but all flights have been canceled due to weather.... :-(
dumb snow- this is why I left NY... I can not live around the weather- I have to move when I can...
I did think about Courtney today- doesn't she live in MI?

Anyway, how I got here? Well, (deep breath)I accepted another recruitment assignment- with my dream client. Herman Miller.
You know, I speak of Herman Miller often...remember... the chairs I collect? Yesss! THEM... This trip is a dream turn nightmare... First of all, Grand Rapids is freezing and gray.... but the client is the best anyone can ask for...
however in this location- I think i only counted three other black women and 1 black man, I've seen since my from Tuesday.... things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm.... (which is many reasons why HM is outsourcing and has hired me and another lady to help with their staffing- diversity is NEEDED pronto)
So far, all of my roles are in NY and DC so I do not forsee a problem of finding a few diverse candidates- but we'll see. I still have to get out of here and PRAY that today will be the day.
I'm on stand by now for a Dallas flight and from Dallas I'll go to ATL. I have had enough of traveling and eating out... (said while I wonder what I should grab now)
Anyway- Dallas plane will not arrive until 3...I'm hungry and have to use the restroom...however I have just located the perfect seat in this airport.. I'm right next to the outlets and can plug in my phone and if I move, I'm SURE I will lose this seat. :-(
man... what to do?
...I really have no choice, I have to use the restroom badly........ok, I'll chance it now
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