(no subject)

Nov 15, 2004 18:50

1. Name: Marissa
2. Nicknames: Mars, Wrio, Gonzalez, Wrio Gonzalez, Melissa, Ass I Ram, Tinee Emo Danzhur.. i can't remember anymore, except Buttercup, but that one makes me want to vomit.
3. Sex: No, thanks.
4. Birthday: June 5
5. Age: 15
6. Sign: Gemini
7. Place of birth: ATX nugga
8. Current residence: Round Rock... ugh.
9. Hair colour: well, i have this blonde/brown shit growing in, brown, red, darker brown....
10. Hair length: right below my shoulders
11. Height: 5'

* Body ills & skills *
13. Do you bite your nails: try not to
14. Can you roll your tongue: yes
16. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time: yep
17. Can you blow smoke rings: tried, and i got it once, but never again
18. Can you blow spit bubbles: hell yes i can
19. Can you cross your eyes: yes, but it gives me a headache
20. Coloured hair: yes, it's not naturally more than 3 colours
21. Tattoos and where: nope
22. Piercings and where: 4 on each ear, but i'm not sure they're all still there..
23. Do you make your bed daily: fuck that
25. Which shoe goes on first: left
26. Speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone: yes, more than one
27. How much money is usually in your wallet? 10 dolla
28. What jewelry do you wear 24/7: red bracelet, black bracelets... my plugs... that's all, i think
29. Whats the best thing on a guy: on him.. clothes?
30. Whats sexiest on a girl: clothes that fit?
31. Would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great: depends on the situation
32. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: twirl
34. Do you cook: i make killer french toast, and some fucking ballin' macaroni

* Grooming *
35. How often do you brush your teeth: morning and night.. usually
36. How often do you shower/bathe: daily, if i feel like it
37. How long do these showers last: 30 minutes is my shortest
38. Hair drying method: air dry
39. Do you paint your nails: yes, then i bite the nailpolish off!
40. Do you swear: what the fuck does that have to do with grooming?
41. Do you mumble to yourself: same question as above (but yes, i do it quite often.. usually not a mumble, more like a growl)
42. Do you spit in public: no, i'm not kara.
43. Do you pee in the shower: i pee in the toilet
44. In the cd player: Cello 1
45. Person you talk most on the phone with: kerica
46. What colour is your bedroom: blue
47. Do you use an alarm clock: i have two, but i don't use them much
48. Name one thing or person you're obsessed with?: mmm grandpa (if you know his name, DO NOT comment and say it. kthx)
49. Have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex: NO SKINNYDIPPING IS DIRTY.
50. Ever sunbathed in the nude: no. topless, yes.
51. Window seat or aisle: aisle, i'm claustrophobic
52. Whats your sleeping position: curled in a ball ontop of my pillow.. yes, i sleep like a dog.
53. What kind of bed do you like: lots of pillows, fuck the bed
54. In hot weather do you use a blanket: yes
55. Do you snore: i wouldn't call it snoring, i breathe loudly
56. Do you sleepwalk: used to
57. Do you talk in your sleep: i don't think so
58. How about the light on: i can sleep anywhere anytime, so lights don't bother me
59. Do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on: rarely

* Last time you ...*
60. Had sex: neva eva
61. Were kissed or kissed someone: erica kissed me last week
63. Cried: last night
64. Talked on the phone: eh, like 30 minutes ago i guess. i called allison to celebrate the news of my mono
65. Read a book: last night
67. Punched someone: today, i hit kellye
70. How many kids do you want to have: none.
71. Your profession: lazy bitch.
72. Future school: Christian Academy.... just kidding, i don't know.

* Friends *
73. Who is/are your best friend(s): kellye<3 kerica, my sista
74. What friend do you hang out with the most: sista, kellye
75. What friend makes you smile the most: sista, kellye, kerica, nate, chris, kellyn... all my friends make me smile like mad
76. Friend that you fight with the most: eh i don't really know
77. Talk to the most online: kara, ben, kellye
78. Friend that you miss the most: emily scales

* Relationships *
79. How old were you when you had your first boyfriend/girlfriend: 11, 6th grade bitches!
80. Do you currently have a boyfriend/girlfriend: nope, boyfriends are for the weak.
81. Do you want a boyfriend/girlfriend: *looks down, blushes, and mumbles* yeh..
82. Why or, why not: because i'm tired of being lonely! and being the third wheel fucking sucks ass.
83. Have you ever cheated on anyone: once, this summer (well, once as in one boyfriend, cheated on him twice though ha)
84. Has anyone ever cheated on you: i'm sure
85. Have you ever really been in love: ho yeah!
86. Have you ever told someone you loved them without meaning it: duh, that's what middle school was ALL about
87. Do you have a crush on anyone: mehbeh
88. Does this person know you like him/her: he's not stupid
89. How long have you liked this person: hard to answer

*This or that*
90. Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
91. Sunrise or sunset: rise
92. Apples or oranges: oranges
93. Silk or cotton: cotton
94. Math or Science: MATH.
95. Pink or yellow: yellow
96. Hot or cold: cold
97. Pen or pencil: pencil
98. Beach or lake: beach
99. Bacon bits or croutons: croutons, bacon is disgusting
100. Poor but happy or rich but sad: don't know, i'm not either so i can't say which i like more

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