Jun 19, 2004 18:23
World politics disgusts me sometimes, i heard that due to tax cuts on the judicial system in Australia that prisoners are being released even if they havent qualified for "good behavior" just to save the government money. Since when does "life" inprisonment mean 8 years? *random political rant*
Last night was interesting, finished work and got an sms from Gwen who had just arrived in melbourne from geelong saying she got a frantic phonecall from her roomate about something and had to run all the way back home. (which is like an hour and a half away). hope everything is ok there :/ so my night proceeded without her, met Trev at the green room and spoke to Link, Nick, and Fiona from the Bakelite Age, link is a crazy man.. hehe he had a tantrum and threw his microphone into the crowd screaming haha. but it was an awesome gig and it was the first time the bakies EVER got cheered enough to play an encore!
Adam Over is the most awesome song, it sounds like franz ferdinand on crack. haha. <3 bakelite age.
not to much going on apart from that, working an crazy NINE DAY straight stretch at work. somebody PLEASE offer me a day off. haha.
Anyway. hope your all well.
somebody take me out on a date. puhlease? *puppy eyes*