So long time no see. I guess I have just been caught with the excitement of what I call a now, good satisfactory summer. Well, don’t know where to begin…maybe where I last left off boring you about my fantabulous coldplay experiences.
Well work experience continued shortly which was surprisingly interesting. Amongst, witnessing bare asses, playing with peoples teeth-yes actually using the instruments, taking teeth out, making fillings , looking at a variety of mouldy legs, watch a person projectile vomit and talking to the cutest 91 year old man I also rediscovered my dear of blood which is going to be slightly difficult in the future with deciding my profession. Well anyway, I just realised how really short life is and that its not one to waste, that’s why im pretty satisfactory that cigarettes/drugs and anything that kills you soon (apart from alcohol maybe) is not for me because its simply not worth it and I already think ill die before anybody else so why cut that life span any shorter.
So I continue with my other life adventuras including the fucking great with a massive full stop of a trip to Wales with my glorious crew. I take my bollocks off to ellie who madeit all possible and to say we don’t need a trip to anywhere fancy like Spain because it was the people there that just made it. We did all sorts fo things such as sunbathing, eating the best ice-cream in the world, sitting on the B E A Utiful beaches and of course my favourite CRABBING-bloody hell that is one hell of fun but I cant ignore how terrible frightening they appear when they run all over the place especially as they live their life walking sideways which is just a pointless way to live. So I respect the crabbies a bit more after sympathising with them.
We also got tipsy on the beach with 48 bottles of reef, yess reef. Beat that loosers!
We also returned to school which could have been weh better but I must admit the slideshow of the photos was a slight cringe fest where I was featured in my year 8 years and look just incredible grotesque, however we were disappointed in the lack of photos of the rest of us (not me because I was in far too many for my liking). I also went to see the wonderfully fantastic play called ‘bouncers’ which was just too good and the dancing, oh the dancing and music-me and Kelly had urges just to jump up on stage and boogie it down.
I also went to ellies charity car wash which was surprisingly fun even though we turned up for an 1/8th of the time. Live-8 was also granden fun where we watched it at cannon hill park with some of the guys also, but bravo to coldplay again for continued excellence. i met some of the olden friends too which was so ace to lack any awkwardness and to realsie we havent changed a bit in our sense of humour-oh good old lardy days.
Fanwell, the Aramtitto and the Jessticles then arrived at mienen housen to produce the most kick ass video in the whole of middle earth and when I mean ‘kick-ass’ I unfortunately mean the crapest pile of shit which becomes the low-point of our careers. The video tape has now been locked under security, never to be found again only until we are ready to embarrass ourselves about the true humour that we really find funny. Trust its not good. But fuck the laughing killed our insides. We also walked out of a film for the first time because of its poor quality of trying to scare us-‘dark water’-save yourselves and your money its BOLLOCKS. So we were walking back through town to find joe bust and Aj-which was a tad too cringey for our good especially when they were talking about the pants we were wearing-hmm.
Tuesday night, I guess just made me realise that the summer is just great. It was the best night EVER. I spent it only with the armattio and jessticles making our mini group name to be J.A.M. which is now incredibly sad I realise but mighty hell we were tooooooo pissed at the time to realise it wasn’t cool. Downing martini and barcadi burnt our insides, however we continued playing the infamous spinning around game and pile-ons for fun because oh good gosh…
After making very long phone calls to randomeno people, taking a whole lotta photos and attempting to restraighten my bambi-like legs, a good conversation was held and then….. amy mooned jess hahah.
We also watched childrens hour which was very well presented indeed and thanks to Emma for her brilliant lighting, wouldn’t have been able to see without her. We returned to jessticles for a small gathering which got better towards the end when we played a group game of articulate and conversing with the guys, who did not leave till like 4 so I only managed 5 hours sleep there, mainly due to amys porn talking of huma shaky(I hope she doesn’t read this)-. well done jess who, bless her cotton socks worried for england, really it was good.
i also managed to to keep the going out at least every day for i have been at least a mile away from sitting at home at least every day which is most indeedly grand for me-woop!
Well im off on holiday soon-on a beautiful cruise for a week on the 9th so FUCKimexcited. 24 hours buffet lunch, free cinema, free entry night clubs, gym, wonderful days out to Rome, Barcelona, Ibiza etc will just make me merry. Me and the sister vowed we wouldn’t sleep throughout the trip and do all-nighters. Ill probably alter my waist line also in that it will increase by at least 10 times with the ‘all you can eat whenever you want’ dealio. When I come back however ill realise that the holidays are going far too fast for our fun and in fact the results day is dawning endlessly which will just make me so crapp and nervous that I might as well pass out…but until then I hope ye guys are all having a fantabulous time like moi which I hope will become better anyway…
…because impossible is nothing and i know theres hope for you.
im goin to blame the lack of commenting that i may receive on the fact that people are on holiday now so that is my excuse now. :0)i hope your jolly
XxX Happy holidays XxX
Here’s a select few photos of my glorious days and there may be quite a lot so i might rip your computer apart into shreds.
P.S. I do realise I’ve lost my background so it looks even crapper now, dearie me.
this is us. i really dispisemeon that one but the otherslook happyhappyhappy, i.e. jess
fannywell and jessticles
me and good hotdog
bugger off camera snatchers
the stone speaks the truth
now are you trying to say something, i rule again. (it say manny rules in the sand)
the great dark beach. pshh posers.
thislooks so fake BUTITSNOTBUTITSNOT.we were there.
in the beginning
in the end
our drinks-'diet coke' hard to the fuck fuck core.
alcohol and baby-bells mmm
jess babybell
amy weird babybell
the cool crew
amy kissing jess
woweee(see it says an 'm') its me
bright light
jess' lucky night again
gruesome threesome
i look to weirdly happy
im not touching her breast
word up
the first attempt M. pillow. J
tipsy maybe
the second attempt, we speLL: J. A. M. itlivesitlivesitlives
* we never change, do we*