it just is beautiful:
i just had to share it with you. The music seems to be helping me cope with
the crapness of exams and stress at the momento. i advice you to listen to them
i give you the beauty that is coldplay because...
theyy fucking rock my socks, marry me Chris Martin
p.s. Good luck for the exams my dears, let the summer roll on for our fabulous memories
p.p.s HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY AMARILLO (photos can be viewed on cool as cucmbers because you know we are coolio)
* look at the starts, look how they shine for you and all the things you do*
This may be my only chance,
And this could be my last chance,
Yeah this could be my last chance,
No more keeping my feet on the ground.
'But, life is for living,
We all know,
And I don’t wanna live it alone.'
(dont make me cry)