ps_____iloveu's Halloween party:
51289 dressed as a new superhero: Samurai Cow.
_______0001894 dressed as a cigarette.
___________wurd dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Crazy Hunter.
_____lovevslust dressed as Captain Kirk from "Star Trek".
_____ohdips dressed as a sample witch.
_____so_blind dressed as Daisy Fuentes's cousin.
__p00kie dressed as a diplomat from Botswana.
__prettybullets dressed as Winona Ryder.
_heathie dressed as Brad Pitt riding a elk.
_thatsbeautiful dressed as the Duke of Provar.
absurd__ dressed as Thandie Newton.
atomiic dressed as Paris Hilton.
badmoviescript didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
bigcity__dreams dressed as Janet Reno.
blinqq dressed as something successive, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
blockh3ad dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Flunky Pizzahead".
caninecodes dressed as the Governor of Ohio.
cry_angelz dressed as a irate resistance.
ctrringstrue dressed as the love child of George Clooney and Tonya Harding.
danceinside__ dressed as an iMac.
defective_lover dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Ethel.
faboulous__ dressed as the Archbishop of Norbert Bridge.
feelmynature dressed as a third baseman for the Twins.
flutterby_epic dressed as Optimus Prime.
kill__yourscene dressed as a bottle of Targone.
killerqueen__x dressed as Rainier Wolfcastle.
le___disko dressed as a Level 5 ranger.
luckymojo dressed as Bono, though it looked more like a halfback for the Lions.
missmanda__ dressed as your grandmother.
mynightsky gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as a origin.
one_xkiss dressed as a dog.
ps_____iloveu dressed as Lyndon B. Johnson.
resultsmayvary dressed as a halfback for the Giants.
settingxxsun dressed as a executive dead chicken waver.
soaked_in_words dressed as a organ.
xx_eternity forgot to put on clothes!
xxxyinpink dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
yhschoirboi06 didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
Throw your own party at the
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