I had the honor of being brought my first XBox faceplate to scribble on today! The owner requested Tyler (as Moon Shadow) and The Revenant, and I was pleased to have granted his wish (click the image to the left for a larger view). I kind of wish I'd brought some colored Sharpies to help enhance the scene, but overall, I think it worked out well.
More "scenes from San Diego 2008," starting with something odd I saw at Fred's Mexican Restaurant: Apparently, William Shatner
has a new show coming out. I'd love to know if this is how they used ALL of the posters, or if the restaurant just had a clever person on staff...
I was at a store in the Gaslamp district for this next one, but someone in the con hall should have been selling
these rather Jedi-esque foot coverings. They look like they're from Kenner(tm), but it's Adidas(tm) behind these shoes. Get 'em before the lawsuit. :)
I found I hadn't posted a photo of a Cylon yet, so
here it is. I don't know if the sign to the left of it on the floor is a warning to humanity or a tribute to TRON's "Master Control Program," but whatever keeps the kill-bots happy is fine with me. And the SciFi channel wanted to remind us that Eureeka premieres next Tuesday, and they effectively bribed me to say so by offering me wares from an
appropriately themed ice-cream truck as well as cleverly-tagged
candy in a tin. Regarding the ice cream truck (they were passing out "Drumstick" cones), the person inside must have had a psyche made of iron, as that truck was in the same spot for over 4 hours playing the show's theme song. Now, I like the theme, but I'm sure even a song I liked for 4 hours would be a bit much, especially when surrounded by ice cream hungry con goers in the heat of the afternoon. Plus, after eating it, I halfway expected to be taken over by nanites or find myself turning into soft-serve as some wacky experiment-gone-wrong found its way into Blue Bunny's confections...
One other major life-event took place today: I sang karaoke in public for the first time. Cristi was so enthralled and I was so nervous that I forgot to have her take a photo as I sang the Barenaked Ladies' hit, "
If I Had $1,000,000." I almost sang out "If I Had A Million Eisner's," but I thought that might be too much.
I'll continue my hunt for interesting Comicon tidbits tomorrow! In the meantime:
- As a kind of writing stimulus, i09 has their
favorite opening lines from sci-fi novels. I kind of dig the one from the Dark Tower (which apparently didn't make i09's list): "The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed."
- And because he was so well-received on "Have I Got News For You," we present Brian Blessed giving a speech,
part 1 and
part 2.
- Some more "cool real places for D&D adventures" in the form of
abandoned (kinda) Russian castles.
- Similarly, these
photos of science labs at night could fit into modern adventures. X-Files, anyone?
- A puzzle game called
Spinin' 1 has you tilting a board to get the "smiley" tile to the exit. It kind of reminds me of Tetris mixed with those old-fashioned steel-ball maze games.
- And a spaceship shooter with leveling up fun called
Space Wing. Shoot everything that moves and collect that XP, as games were meant to be. :)