Ps238 #44 and some new shows on SighFie

May 28, 2010 00:50

Ps238 #44 is up in the store, and the funny thing is for all the stuff I've got going on about wars and where Atlas and Emerald Gauntlet originally came from, I think this is turning out to be more about Ron/Captain Clarinet/Argonaut and his relationship with Moon Shadow. Ron never was all that gung-ho about being a superhero, and when he first hit somebody, it kind of rocked his already fragile world. His parents split up soon after due to career choices and having uprooted themselves to be near ps238, and Ron blamed his punching someone's lights out (though they deserved it) as the "mistake" that broke up his family. So he enrolled at Praetorian Academy, hoping a greater emphasis on discipline and training might help him to never make another such tragic decision. Now, he's been whisked off to his dad's home planet, been supplanted as Earth's ambassador, and... well, let's just say it manages to get even worse for him from there. Rest assured I do have something like happier times in store for him, but he and Tyler are going to have to see if they can manage to share a lost space ship in the near future without killing each other. :)

In the meantime, I need to find "the best chocolate chip cookie recipe" in the universe for a far-distant issue. I wonder if Alton Brown would have any advice beyond the recipes he gave on FoodTV?

So "Lost" isn't going away any time soon. For some fill-in if, like me, you're still kinda confused about some stuff or aren't sure what goes where, an intern from the set tried to set a few things straight. Then there's going to be a 12 to 14 minute epilogue on the DvD set featuring the Adventures of Hurley and Ben: Together, they protect islands. And you probably won't have to buy the DvD set to see it, since I figure it'll be up on YouTube about 10 minutes after the first one goes on sale. And it turns out that the footage of the wrecked airplane shown over the closing credits was not meant to imply that nobody survived the crash, but was probably a poor decision to try and bookend the series' end with how it began.

Tomorrow sees the airing of part 1 of the Stargate Universe season finale, and after reading this article from, it makes me wonder if the writers ever played "Metamorphosis Alpha?" But what got my SyFy antennae twitching was these three new shows they've greenlit. Firstly, none of them are hour-long dramas, so no company for "Eureka" or "Warehouse 13." One of them sounds like another ghost-hunter show, which I've never cared much for. However, "Face Off" sounds like something that's been missing from TV for quite a while. Back in the day, the Discovery Channel used to have this show called "Movie Magic" that I really liked. They did shows with themes to them about special effects, filming techniques, etc., and I think the reason that stopped is because that stuff is now what's called "DvD Extras." It'll be nice to have something like that back on the air.

Here's a personal "um... huh?" moment from my spam box. Apparently, there's a company out there that sells some kind of software for mortgage loan companies. I have no idea why they sent me spam for this package, so that's strike one against the ad firm. What the message itself said tells me that either someone at Spam-R-Us hates this client, or the polarity on their text compiler was reversed and spat this out. Those names do belong to real people in the mortgage industry, and I was kind of tempted to call and ask if they were trying some kind of reverse psychology thing... But then I remembered that they'd hired a spammer to clog up my e-mail, and decided against it, thus striking a small blow for liberty. Or something. :)

With justice ringing in my ears, I bring you the following very important information:

- Since I did do a little bronze casting in college (poorly. I have no idea where my "sculpture" wound up), I figured I had to post this piece of the Katamari prince. Without context, it makes me wonder what future archaeologists will make of our civilization. :)
- And since my sister is now a certified librarian-type person, I think she'd appreciate to know that a study shows a 500-book library in the home can boost your kids education level by 3 years or so. I know this doesn't mean the presence of books alone works magic, but probably speaks to the types of people who have books and how they regard education.
- This is awesome: Iron Baby. Stick around for the "enemies" he fights.
- Speaking of Iron Man, a few posts ago I linked to a guy who had an amazing replica suit he constructed. Alert reader Aaron (love the name, by the way) points us to the Replica Model Forum. I was particularly impressed with this thread about building an eight-foot Star Destroyer (even incomplete, the bits he's got done are astounding), and some progress pics from a Voltron costume.
- We interrupt these peaceful links to bring you Helic, a tower defense-style game where you also pilot a helicopter to blow things up.
- An interesting look at the Soviet take on illustrating the Lord of the Rings the Hobbit.
- I'm not sure if I've posted the Wikipedia Game before, but if I did and you cursed me then, you'll curse me now. You're given a starting article and challenged to find an ending one in as few clicks as possible.
- Good news for the Corps: After the movie release, Cartoon Network will air a Green Lantern series!
- Exit Path is a frenetic running game with a turbo boost mechanic (called "flow") where you try to move through each level while avoiding the axes, bladed wheels, and other mechanisms of doom.

stargate universe, syfy, ps238, lost, spam

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