In super-movie land,
Peter Sarsgaard has been tapped to play the villain in the upcoming "Green Lantern" movie,
Doctor Hector Hammond. He's basically your mutant super-brain powered bad guy, and I'll have to wait until the film comes out to see if he's a decent foe or not (he seems an odd choice at first blush; I presume they want to make sure a GL franchise will be a hit before unleashing Sinestro and the Lantern Corps). I can't see a large-headed bad guy looking decent in a live-action film without comparisons to the "Dick Tracy" movie villains, but I have to admit that not a lot of comic book bad guys sprang to mind when I wondered who GL would fight other than Sinestro. There is a
list, yet nobody leaps out. I guess I'm too used to him being an interstellar cop or a member of the Justice League.
Hopefully, it won't end up on Rotten Tomatoes dot com's
worst movie awards, which were announced this month. I didn't even know another "Street Fighter" film had been made.
Turning to TV, "Fringe" gave us an odd show this past week. It wasn't the subject matter per se, but the fact that it was
an unaired season 1 episode featuring a character who is no longer breathing. Given that it's a show where we've seen shape-changers and alternate dimensions, I would've liked a disclaimer, as I was almost convinced that part of "The Reveal" at the end of the program was going to be something that had shifted history somehow, allowing a life that was ended to be restored... but it was just Fox showing things out of order (Joss Whedon can relate).
Some interesting (quite) Doctor Who stuff (kind of). First up, there's a
list of 20 things gleaned from Russel T. Davies' book, "The Writer's Tale: The Final Chapter," about his time on the show starring our favorite Time Lord. Of particular interest was a crossover with "Star Trek," specifically, "Enterprise." That particular 'Trek was canceled before it could happen, and even if stank for the most part (I still think that if the show had been like the final season, minus the wretched finale, it would have been one of my favorite shows of the franchise... if they'd had a few different cast members), I would have been very interested to see the script. I also wouldn't have minded seeing Tennant wreaking havoc and saying all of the things we viewers at home would love to (a job usually left to "Q"). Tennant also recently appeared on Q.I., and while he didn't get to cut loose too much, BBC2 broadcast the "XL" version of the show:
Part one,
part two,
part three,
part four and
part five. My favorite bit has to be where Bill Bailey, Doctor Who fan, appears to need assurance that Tennant's show isn't just all make believe, following
this question about a "Giraffe Bicycle." :)
In addition to the usual art 'n' comics stuff, I should have some new t-shirt designs out pretty soon, including a few that aren't on black cloth! Some of the subject matter for these new tees include gaining levels, Doctor Who, Voltron, and the ever-popular foodstuff, bacon.
While those concepts get screen-printed, here's something we hope you'll really like:
- We start with another Tetris variant that might surprise you:
First Person Tetris. Some might want to bring some Dramamine.
- And here's something perhaps destined for much time-wasting or quests for the nuttiest headline:
Google's digitized archive of "The Weekly World News". Yes, the one with the articles about
bat boy.
- As of this posting, Barbie dot com is
taking votes for Barbie's next career. I wouldn't mind seeing "Computer Engineer" win, just to see the resulting arguments over what operating system she uses.
- This is a frighteningly true-to-life graphical treatise entitled
Why I Believe Printers Were Sent From Hell To Make Us Miserable.
Super Mario Bros. Jumping isn't so much a game as it is a time wasting electronic greeting card, but it's still pretty clever.
- Here's a film clip of a cat caught in the eternal dilemma of
trying to eat the last bit of ice cream or removing one's head from the carton.
- Proof has been found that something wants everyone out of the contested areas of the Middle East: A
new and horrifyingly large spider species has been discovered.
- A short A Capella version of
the Knight Rider theme.
- This is a small and clever gallery of
movies as vintage video game posters. Via
Super Punch.
- The ever-popular Woot dot com went to CES and brought back
some rather amusing photographs which tells a bit more about the state of electronics than I needed to know.
- And a final game with the wholesome goal of destroying penguins called (oddly enough)
Penguin Destroyer. It's one of the cannon-physics games where you want to puzzle out how to clear the board of flightless waterfowl in the fewest shots.