May 15, 2017 23:38
Since Ros is doing her black belt next year (OMG!) she won't be playing hockey.
I, however, have signed up again for the women's learn to play lessons. I don't even know how this happened, but it turns out I kinda enjoy hockey. Or at least learning hockey skills. I may sign up for league play the year after.
In fannish news, I've got my Cap RBB story finished, formatted and ready to go, and my artist and I have a game plan for posting. My posting date is May 28th, so I'll be able to share the story and the fabulous art that inspired it then.
I've also just crossed the 10,000 word mark for my Stucky BB story, and have finally outlined where this sucker is going. And I've got a decent summary put together ready for the artist claims. There are, apparently, way more writers than artists, but I'm not going to stress about the claims too much. This is a story I want to write whether or not there's art for it. Not that it wouldn't be cool to get claimed.