Huzzah, Indeed!

May 05, 2011 22:35

I've been poking away at it for a few months now, but tonight I managed to get the last of my online stories uploaded on AO3. I polished off the last of my LJ stories a week or so ago, and have been working on the zine stories from my website, most of which needed formatting clean up. (Thanks to sineala for recommending TextWrangler. That program saved my life and/or sanity.)

The final count?
162 stories in 23 fandoms.


You can find the whole gory mess of them here.

There are still a few stories outstanding.

There's the LotR drabbles that were lost when the mod deleted the lotr100 comm. (Thus teaching me to always post stories to my own LJ, even when I'm also posting to a comm.) I'm hoping these are lurking about on my vidding machine, but I have to wait until I get it back from the shop. (Stupid video card.)

There is an ongoing UNCLE series that's only ever been in zines, owing to the fact that only half the stories are done. I had a mad idea about finishing the five outstanding stories and posting them in order some time soon. I doubt I'll get every story done, but I may just go ahead and post the stories that actually exist.

And there's my Pros novel, Exile. I do plan on posting that, hopefully soon, but I'd like to do one last copy edit on the bastard before I put it up.

But in the meantime, just because I can, I thought I'd finally do this meme:

List your ten fics at AO3 that have had the most hits.

This is a motley mix, mostly Pros, because that's what I first put up at AO3, mixed with my Yuletide stories.

1. Firsts
Pros. A series of vignettes of firsts in Bodie & Doyle's lives. Given how much trouble this was to write, I have to say I'm rather pleased it's on the top. Originally a zine story.

2. Happy Endings.
Pros. Bodie's just returned from Africa and trying to go legit; Doyle's a young copper trying to make his mark. They get mixed up in a murder plot and with each other. I'm always interested in seeing younger versions of these two, so this was a fun story to write. Another zine story.

3. Down a Dark Desert Highway.
A Knight's Tale/Hotel California crossover. Yeah, you read that right. Needless to say, this was my Yuletide offering for this year. Wacky though the fandoms are, I have to say, I'm rather proud of it.

4. And the Sky to Sleep Under.
Tombstone. Wyatt Earp/Doc Holliday slash. Another Yuletide story, and another one I'm rather fond of.

5. Phoenix Rising.
Pros. Only the second Pros story I wrote, and the sex in it is goofy rather than smutty, but it's not bad.

6. A Moment of Clarity.
Buckaroo Banzai. Buckaroo/Rawhide slash. A Yuletide stocking stuffer I wrote for gwyn_r, mostly because I've always wanted to write this pairing. This is a wee triple drabble, but some day I'd love to write a long, meaty story with Buckaroo and Rawhide.

7. Vigil.
Pros. The most recent story in the Comfort and Joy series, and a bit darker than the series started out. Not as dark as the next one, though.

8. Home for the Holidays.
Pros. The second last story in the Comfort and Joy series, and by far the darkest. I killed off Bodie's bastard of a father in it, and I did a good enough job with the death scene that after my own (most definitely not a bastard) dad died I couldn't read it for over a year. I had to put the series on hold for a bit after that.

9. Do You Know What I Know.
Pros. Story 4 in the Comfort and Joy series, and a much lighter offering. Doyle's mum susses out what's going on between her son and Bodie.

10. Substitute.
Pros. Another longish one. There is angst and pining and a touching reunion.

ao3top10, memes

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