I've added almost no new words in the last few days. Apart from the prep for Ros' birthday part, which took the better part of last week, I was mostly mulling over, and pulling apart the second half of the plot, and trying to put it together in new and more compelling ways. And thanks to a handy plot consult--waves to
draycevixen--I think it's in much better shape.
And look, there have been new words added today:
I'm going to ignore the fact that I've revised the final word count up again to 30,000. (I've got 12 scenes left to write, and the scenes are averaging 1,000 words or so. The math is pretty clear.)
My goal is a complete-ish first draft by the end of the month. Giving me nearly three weeks to revise it and produce vids for the two stories I claimed.
Piece of cake.
I hope.