Jun 12, 2005 21:12
WHAT'S WITH YOU LOWLIFE FUCKIN LAZY SHITS! I FUCKIN POST A FUCKIN...[UH...] THING AND ALL I GET IS JUST ONE FUCKIN STUPID POST [thank you by the way! you are SO sexy too {oh shit... i hope my girlfriend dosnt read this [not like i care {well... oh nm}]}]? I SHOULD PERSONALY SHIT-KICK EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU CUNT TURDS! but i have more important things to do with my time [{like what}{oh shut up}]. so anyways... start replying... cuz i check this shit now... or else [{or else wh}{SHUT UP!!!!!!!!}]! well i is needin to get back to the baracks so ttyl!
SA Fortune USN*
* The United States Navy and its affiliates do not condone nor support ANY, repeat ANY, of the ideas and views expresed in this post. thank you and good night.