Apr 16, 2005 12:00
Beware: Stream-of-consciousness post.
I've always wondered if it would be fun to write a post about nothing, like I see so many others do. Not on the grand scale of Seinfeld (hated that show anyways), of course, but in the same vein at least of an Everybody Loves Raymond. Okay, here goes:
*crickets chirp*
Actually, they don't actually "chirp" in the same way that birds do. The sound crickets make is caused by them rapidly rubbing their kneecaps together. Kind of an interesting thought on those hot, summer nights, isn't it? All night long a bunch of crickets, hanging around the local watering leaf, just rubbing kneecaps... all night.
Suddenly, I see a room full of human beings engaged in the same activity. Makes me smile. Ah, humor. Oh, the chafing...
Nothing to see here; nothing of substance to report. Just another attempt at taking up lots of space on your Friends' page. And you know what? I won't put this behind and lj-cut, so take that! How do you like it, huh? *laughs maniacally*
By the way, what does maniacal laughter sound like, anyway? Aside from the movies, does anyone really laugh at their own acts of evil? What's so funny, anyway? Besides, by laughing out loud like that, don't you risk exposure or being put away in some insane asylum? Well, I guess if you are laughing at the nefarious thoughts, plans, deeds and/or actions that you undertake (or will undertake), I guess there is a certain inherent level of insanity. Plus, the person is never thwarted while in the act of laughing. In fact, the person knows that he or she shall soon, indeed, be thwarted in the process of committing said acts, so maybe they laugh at the banality of it all. Who knows? I just wonder if some corporate giant or CEO mogul sitting in his plush Fifth Avenue office turns to the window and -- upon completing his (or her) plan to raise the price of something that should not be so expensive (i.e., a double shot venti espresso from Starbucks) which will bring the price range out of reach to the needy (i.e., me and other college students) and increase his or her profits 10-fold, making him (or her) an ultra-billionaire -- begins to laugh out loud ad infinitum at this new pernicious deed.
I guess the question at hand is this: Is evil laugh-out-loud funny?
See... told you this was a stream-of-consciousness post.
In other news: Don's under construction right now. Follow the Detour signs. Expect delays during peak hours. Fines double, so proceed with caution. Projected completion date: October 2005. Serious renovations going on here, people. Serious renovation.
Have to, have to, have to, have to, have to call Eileen. Have to.
Howdy to you, too.
And finally, for that very special person on my Friends' list: I bet you thought I forgot about this, didn't you: "A Toyota! Liam, mail a Toyota!" How's that for a palindrome?
And I'm done. No, wait... no, yeah, I'm done.