
Oct 04, 2005 21:01

Saturday: Woke up tired from being on the phone all night. Krazy tried to convince me to hang out with him and his friend for like an hour but i refused to give in. So the next morn picked up mike, ate taco bell, went to the mall, then went to NIW. We kinda sat in the car contemplating why we were even there, but eventually went in. Wasn't the usual reception for me but people were glad to see him there. The show had its ups and downs. After we headed to Bakers Square and ate delicious food. Talked to someone i haven't talked to for awhile. And talked to them again Sunday.
Sunday: Went to Sam's Club and Cub and stocked up on groceries. Then i was lazy i think, well i probably was. Can't remember anything else.
Monday: Didn't want to go to class for the life of me. Just felt blah. Tried to find excuses not to go to class. Finally went outside, it began to rain, i hopped on me bike, and tried to conquer a small curb on the way to class. It defeated me and threw me over my handle bars. Tons of people saw, but no one helped me. What good samaritans. Blah. My shoe fell off, i landed chin first, my bracelet flew off, and my handlebars were all tangled up. I tried hard to maintain composure and hopped back on my back.. home. I skipped class and sat at home being all shook up and in pain. Realized i did something to my toe and now i guess it's jammed because it kills to walk. Mike came over and we were lazy asses together. Raw was AMAZING by the way. "here comes the monneeeeeey!"
Tuesday: Skipped my first class, and my second was cancelled because my teacher is Jewish and is celebration Roshashannah or however it is spelled? So i went to my last class. My prof pulled my friend nick and i aside and told us our answers on an assignment were too similar and if it happens again, it's over. the whole zero tolerance thing blows. it'd be funny if i was kicked out of school. too bad i did the whole worksheet alone, and nick copied it from me. Yet i saved his ass by talking our way out of it. After that i sat around waiting for 5:30 so i could meet up with Faraz to study. Texted an old pal and mended things hopefully?? we will see. i feel like i've been replaced by other people who are supposedly my "friends" but who is my friend now a days. You all say one thing and do another, it's pathetic in my eyes.
Now i'm trying to write two pages in arabic about christmas but it's so hard. and i am still in pain. and my piercing isn't spilling out my guts anymore so i'm happy about that. This saturday Mike, Jason and I are driving down to Des Moines for a party at melissa's. we'll see how that goes!
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