1))Last time you jumped on a bed? hmm i think i jumped on mike's bed a
few weeks ago. i love jumping on furniture for some reason. maybe
because my mom still yells at me for it.
2. Do you have a front porch? aah a back one
3))Is your driveway a hill sort of? yes scrapes everyones damn cars
4. Who was the last person you thought of? umm kirky , it's his birthday!
5))Last time you climbed a tree? when i was like 10
6.Ever seen a celeb? maybe?
7))Last person you hung out w/? mike, brian and dorothy! it was like a double date. how f'n cute.
8.What came first the chicken or the egg? the egg
9))Hot Pink or Turquoise? why must you make me decide.. turq. of course.
10.What color is the chair your in? brown wood.
11))Favorite color? turqouise. fuck retail for pushing it as the "in" color for this season. dammit i've liked it forever!
12. Missed memory? being an innocent child
13))Who are you most like?
holly golightly in breakfast at tiffany's umm
natalie portman in garden state?
14. What celebrity would you say you look most like? people say i look like
kate hudson 15))Is there a light on? the sun!
16.Cup half full or half empty? half empty
17))Pretend your still a little kid. What is Love? its not possible to try to forget what you know now! so i am not gonna try.
18.Last time you went hot-tubbing? uuh i have a hot tub in my back
yard... but the last time i was in one was at andrew's pool
19))Last time you went tanning? in a bed? june
20.The last cuss word you said? fuckin shit
21))What was the last movie you saw? moulin rouge
22.Are you religious? yep!
23))What is the nicest place you've ever ate? i dunno, white castle?
uuh my parents used to take us to fancy restaurants as kids but i
dunno. WAIT it was Bobitos w/ anthony and larry a few weeks ago
24.Most stupidest exspensive thing you've ever seen? some ugly car?
25))What are you wearing right now? NOTHING! aah jeans, a belt, a shirt, a necklace
26.What do you smell like right now? nothing
27))Wierdest thing you've done in the past 48 hours? this makes no
sense but i rung two people up at work, then proceeded to greet them 5
second later as they were leaving the store. i felt so dumb.
28.Have you been in a car in the past 12 hours? yep
29))What time did you wake up today? 8:30
30.How many hours of sleep did you get last night? 7 or less
31))Best come back you can think of? shut up
32.Batman or Spiderman? neither
33))Last caffinated liquid you drank? diet cherry vannila dr. pepper
34.Life is ______? ((fill in the blank))? life
35))Do you have an ipod? i wish
36..Favorite band/artist? alice in chains, sonata arctica, fleetwood mac, and opeth.
37))Have you ever shopped at Victoria's Secret, or Hot Topic? too often
38.Last time you went to San Fransisco? never? oh wait i work at the san fransisco mall right?
39))What happened on the best or one of the best days or your life? shawn michaels high fived me
40.Single or Taken? taken
41))Missing anyone right now? hm maybe
42.Have you ever wrote a poem or a song? tried. then throw it away. i have shit on poetry.com from when i was LAAAME
43))Big Ten Inch ______? ((fill in the blank)) anyone who doesn't say "dick" is lame.
44.Last time you took a shower? 8:30 this morn
45))What did you do yesterday? worked, then went to mike's where we
watched harry potter w/ brian and dorothy, and then we all went to ruby
tuesdays for some sweet ass food. then we came back and played life,
and watched some UFC, followed up by seinfeld. by the way, dorothy
kicks ass
46.What did you or what are you going to do today? worked, now mike
is heading over cause big brother is on tonight.. and STELLA!!!!!!!!
47))Whats up for tomorrow? work
48.What color is your mouse? black and grey laaaazer
49))Can you type fast? yep
50.Best college? that is contradictory. college sucks.
51))Do you beleive in magic? mm no
52. Heaven or Hell? or? heaven.. wtf?
53))If you had to talk to someone about something that you couldn't
talk to most people about, Who would you pick to talk to it about?
54.Is cheating good or bad? it sucks. i am halfway guilty of it. but not really.
56.Are you hungry or thirsty? thirsty.
57))How's the weather? hawt
58.Never leave home without _________?((fill in the blank)) eyeliner
59))Wet hugs? ew?
60.Last time you payed someone? aaah the guy at potbellies
61))Last ride you went on? ride? on a pontoon boat.
62.Do you like marshmellows? yummmm. i love marshmallow sundaes.
63))How bout peanutbutter? yum w/ chocolate
64.Whats a fruit? what
65))Whats the longest you've ever hugged somebody ? longest? not very i
don't like hugs. but it was probably at brad's funeral, people kept
coming up to me and hugging me. i didn't ask for it. but they wouldn't
let me go.
66.Whats the word "rowdy" make you think of? MYSELF a few years ago.
67))Ever thought somebody would like something and then find it themselves and end up really liking it? wtf
68.Hott or Cute? HOT!