So. Yesterday was a weird day. On top of winning tickets out of the blue, I think the guy at the place I took my car was flirting with me? As this never happens to me, it threw me for a loop. I put on make up yesterday since I was going to audition for a show (it went well I think! Have to go back on Thursday)
Look! A Terrible picture that proves I know how to be a girl from time to time.
I'm constantly told I should wear make up. I look so much better I'm told, and I do a pretty darn good job of putting it on for someone who doesn't mess with it much. This coming from my costumer/hair/make up person, so I guess she'd know.
Anyway, I went to drop of my car. Rather than it being a simple drop off, we managed to talk about
1.) My last name (always a conversation starter)
2.) People with awkward last names. (He knew a guy named Peter Enis. Poor person)
3.) How amazing my little car is. (I already knew that.)
4.) He has a friend that's a brain surgeon. (Somehow that came up. I don't even know.)
5.) What Not To Wear (Again, I don't know, but apparently he's addicted. He came home drunk one night and turned it on and was hooked. There were many assurances that he was straight at this point.)
6.) My toes. I was given points for having them painted turquoise. (How that came up, again, I don't even know.)
I really just went in there to give them my car key and go. I just want my little super car tended to so I can keep driving it. I mean, really. Normally I go in there and I'm in and out in under 30 seconds because I'm a woman and know nothing about cars, therefore, conversation just doesn't happen. Oh! That's how the brain surgeon thing came up. My admitting my car stupidity when I was asked a question, and he reassured me that it was totally okay because that's what his job is. Somehow a conversation with his brain surgeon friend was thrown in there, I don't know. It was really weird.
What a weird day it was.