Nov 17, 2008 22:48
My cleanest dear, whose song thunders in the night,
At whose quick touch all remnants of dinner and breakfast are scrubbed away,
Whose cleaning power extinguishes all sorrow
and has no concern with dirt
Except to eliminate it from the face of the Russian House dishes:
the water you shoot forth and heat to the perfect temperature
and the cleaning liquid you dispense with perfect timing
the dirty water you drain away with conviction.
Some call you a robot but I a savior:
Keeping our house from sinking into the abyss of bacterial formation
Shielding our dishware from rats
Selflessly you render your services to us--
and keep us, all devotion, at your handle.
Function forever, darling, early and late. Clean coffee mugs--
We will buy more dish cleaning liquid for your sake.
For should you ever break down and cease to function
We would swim in a sea of gross
and die from some form of botulism.
N.B.: To be translated into Russian soon; modeled after John Frederick Nims' beautiful "Love Poem"