Jesus fucking christ on a goddamn cracker!
Now that I have your attention let me explain. I was working this overnight shift at my job, midnight to 6am. Its an office deal, just sitting around, surfing the web, watching movies when we feel like it, two people to a shift. Y'know the type. And so around 1am or so i pop-up penny-arcade and read through the article on the main page and follow a link there to
this article at wired. If you havent already read it you should, its pretty fascinating. So anyway towards the end of the article theres a recount of a story told by Hans Reiser's friend Sean Sturgeon about how he was Nina Reiser's maid of honor at their wedding. At this point for me I have found this article so fascinating I have begun reading off interesting bits to my co-worker. So the problem began when my co-worker, a 21 year old white female from a reasonably well populated town right here in MA, throws a stink about a man being a maid of honor at a hetero wedding. Perhaps I should have just let it sit and write it off as a little slip of perspective. A lack of prior thought to comment maybe. An accident of the mind, not meant to be verbalized. But I didnt of course which revealed rather quickly just how closed this mind was. I tried to begin small with the simple concept that a wedding is a wedding and you can do whatever the fuck you like with it. You can have the wedding party dress up as grapefruit voodoo dolls and sing karaoke if you want. Its your goddamn wedding. This concept lacked the neccessary penetration for the thickness at hand, however. It would seem that unbeknownst to me marriage rights were set into a second tablature behind the original commandments. Apparently the procession wouldnt function properly were men and women to file in and out sans-segregation. So we went a little further in a direction I didnt really WANT to take things but miss Whitebread seemed stuck on gender roles, which is a topic that upsets particularly much and I couldnt help but go apeshit. I tried to explain to her that she was offending me by imposing gender stereotypes. This met a degree of resistance I wasn't really expecting. The specimen entirely lacked a concept for my statement. Apparently women and men really do have rigidly set roles and to deviate from them is impossible. This continued into dark corners I shudder to dredge up, though I shall bare it for you my dear internets. I was here informed that it is "okay for gay people" to do whatever they like and have men as maids of honor and so on because they are "different." After picking up the bits of my ruptured skull and made a brief assault using the differentiation between 1)sex 2)gender and 3)sexuality as my weapon but this too battered useless against the impenetrable idiot shield. apparently there are two species of human 1)normal and 2)different and these two species have nothing in common. To make any sort of comparison between the two is like trying to compare apples and explosive diuretic gelatinous shit eating komodotropic kamakazi fighter pilots. I eventually just decided to commit seppukku and save the memory for sacrifice upon my dark altar to my Gay Heathen Gods.