Cosplay things!

Dec 13, 2010 02:35

So, this week [well, it needs to be done by Saturday so really in the next five days] I need to make gifts for the Secret Santa the meetup I'm half in charge of and am going to. I say gifts as I'm making two small things for the person I got. I also need to finish styling Denmark [I've been so lazy; hopefully this will make me serious about it] and finish my girlfriend's Norway top for her, as I have a sewing machine, she does not and I'm just that awesome. xD Quite a bit to do in five days, I suppose, but I'm not worried about it. I've done more than that before, so I should be fine.

I really need to figure out what cosplay I am doing and which ones I'm not doing any time soon and focus on them. All this running around and getting little misc things for cosplays here and there are going to be the death of me.

So I really don't need to cosplay Madam Red. No matter how fun she looks. I haven't even really read/seen Kuroshitsuji yet.

I'm going to get serious about selling my cosplays and maybe start doing some wig commissioning, as I'm not great but I know I can do a few things. [And styling Denmark is making me feel I can tackle anything right now haha~]

Also, does anyone know where I could get a Mountie jacket and hat? Mountie!Canada is something I can no longer resist doing, but being in America I'm not having much luck and I'm really not sure where to look. Any help would be great.

ramblings, cosplay

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