Hetalia One Coin set 2

Aug 13, 2010 02:42

As you all may know, I love figures and such, so the APH One Coin figures absolutely will be the death of me. I managed to get all of set 1 [yaaaaay] just in time for set 2 to be announced [...shit], so I've decided to stop playing around and preorder this thing. Which brings me to my point.

Anyone want to get one with me? I'd prefer to keep it to irl friends and such [which is why I'm not posting this to any hetalia comms but yet leaving it public for non-LJ user friends] but if anyone on my flist wants in I'd be fine with that, as long as they don't mind both paying their share of shipping as well as shipping from me to you.

Please read all of this if you're interested; I know it's a lot but you shouldn't have questions if you read this.

A set is $60 USD [as per current exchange rates] and shipping will be determined later[when the item is shipped], but will probably be about $50[because most BJD I buy and have shipped from Asia via EMS are about $50 - $60 so I can't imagine some One Coin figures would be more than an SD or a pair of MSD]. I can get up to 6 sets and shipping will be split accordingly. :) [more sets may mean shipping goes up a bit; just a warning.]

I'd probably go with EMS shipping as I am paranoid about something bad happening and will want my figures asap. It's the most expensive shipping, but it's also the best and if we split it I think it'll be okay.

I will NOT let anyone order with me after September, which is the absolute latest I am willing to wait to order. [Honestly I want to order right now, but $60 + s&h is a good price and I thought I'd see if anyone wanted to join me before I order. If I don't get any interest soon I'll assume no one does and just order one myself and then dance around gleefully and having it ordered xD] Yes, I know it comes out way later than September; I don't care, I want to make sure I get mine as I worry too much. xD

I've also had people in the past keep me waiting for their payments in group orders. I can promise this will NOT happen this time. You don't pay on time? Then you're automatically out of the order. May sound harsh but after the issues I've had in the past I feel I need to take this stance to keep everything running smoothly.

I wont need shipping money yet, as I wont know shipping until it ships. [The site can't calculate shipping on a pre-order item as they don't have it to weigh.] So while yes, this gives you extra time to get more than just the $60 it costs please know that unless you pay me shipping I'm not giving you your One Coin set. Again, I must sound mean, but as some people STILL owe me money with an order I did MONTHS ago I don't think I can be more lenient than this. If you don't end up paying me for the shipping after, idk, lets say two weeks or so, I'll sell your One Coin set to make up what you cost me in shipping. No refund for you. Yeah, I know, I sound like a douche bag but don't flake on me and it'll work out fine, I promise. Need more time to pay shipping? Talk to me, I'm not a bitch. Just know I'm not waiting months and months and until I'm paid what I owe I don't consider the item to be yours. This is to save me the headache of people costing me money.

anyway, just thought I'd offer for anyone who wants one but doesn't know how/where/etc to pre-order or who doesn't want to try to find it after it's released.

And, since I said I can only buy 6 sets, I'll do this first come first serve. If you don't pay then you can be replaced on the list; paying the $60 is the only way to for sure have me order one for you. If you post saying you want to be in this order you'll have a spot, but if 5 other people/or anyone ordering enough to fill up the other 5 slots shows up with money first you'll be bumped off the list. Again, sounds mean but if you need time to pay me just let me know; I'm not as unreasonable as I probably sound haha~

Oh, and I prefer paypal sent as a gift to avoid fees, but I'm willing to work with people and will accept pretty much any method of payment as long as you can accept the risk for somethings, like concealed cash.

One Coin set 2 slots
1 - prussianknight
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -

Okay, it's nearly 3am I AM GOING TO BED NOW haha


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