
Jan 18, 2010 00:02

For the curious; my tattoo is looking far better now that I only do the lotion once every other day. Pictures soon~

I need to scan some stuff soon, I have so many doodles...

I got a book today about various historical "what ifs", and since it was only a few buck I just couldn't resist. ;3;

Oh that reminds me [although I'm not sure WHY it reminds me] that I have jury duty next month on the 15th. I'll have to get up early, but I don't mind that much so I'm not going to both trying to get out of it. Besides, if they do want me I'll get some cash out of it, so while I doubt they'll pick me it can't be too much of a bother, you know? eh we'll see.

um also I should be reading. I am not even half done with The Scarlet Pimpernel. I blame Persona man, I am addicted already. I am playing it right now. xD; [no really, I am sitting on my bed, typing this between turns on my minilaptop.]

Also I've seen The Princess and The Frog now; it was really good. My mum even liked it too. :D So I totally recommend it to everyone; the story is good, the characters are fun, and visually it's beautiful. Some of the scenes were just so pretty man. ;3; Maybe I've just been out of the loop and that's how Disney movies are now, but man, The Little Mermaid was never this sparkly and detailed. xD

Oh and I'm thinking of photographing my day sometimes, like I used to on Dreamwidth. Except I'd post them here... or would that be too spammy? I mean, I've kind of forgotten about my DW account, so I could do it there, but I'm just naturally more active here. ahh idk, I'll probably decide to do it and then stop again after a month haha.

eh whatever, back to P3. =3=

I hope everyone is doing well!


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