Flipped - Turned Upside Down (Sit On My Throne) | Bill/Siska | Bandlash/The Academy Is...

May 04, 2009 12:04

Title: Flipped - Turned Upside Down (Sit On My Throne)
Pairing: Bill/Siska
Summary: Well, shit.

Okay, so, this is literally hot off the presses, folks. It's also my first (completed) Bandslash fic ever, so I might be just a little bit (read: a lot) nervous about posting it without a beta or anything, but ack! I needed a quick distraction from the Zombie Apocalypse fic that's trying to eat my brain, and it's just a little thing. Can't possibly be that terrible, right? RIGHT?

They're half way through watching Bring It On (again) when Bill looks down at his hand stroking through Siska's surprisingly soft hair and has a revelation. And a freak out. Simultaneously.

"Sisky," he manages, with as much dignity as is possible when sprawled on a sofa watching a cheerleading film marketed for teenage girls (that is to say, not much). "I'm afraid I must leave you momentarily. I have a thing. That I forgot. Right now."

"'K," Siska says, grinning up at him contentedly and sitting up.

Bill is momentarily distracted by the smooth curve of his back as he stretches, then blinks. "Right. I'll be going then."

"See you later," Sisky agrees.


"Gabe!" Bill says, flinging open the door to the Cobra bus with as much force as he can muster. He is the midst of a crisis, he's allowed a little drama.

"Yes, Billiam?" Gabe says, from the floor.

"What exactly are you doing?" Bill says, briefly turned from his crisis (crisis!) by the fact that Gabe is doing a headstand against the back wall of the lounge.

"I," Gabe says grandly, which is pretty impressive when you take into consideration the fact that he is upside down, "am attempting to become one with the universe through yoga and meditation."

"Huh. Is it working?"

Gabe brings his legs back down to the floor with a grace that Bill empathises with. Theirs is the curse of the flexible snake hips. Well, curse, blessing, awesome sex aid, whatever. Anyway, he concentrates back on Gabe, who's saying "nah, I prefer the attainment-of-Nirvana-via-booze-and-sex method we've been working on for the last few years, I think. Less head rushes, more orgasms. Anyway, o charmingly tall friend of mine, what can I do for you on this fine day?"

Bill remembers that he is in the midst of a crisis! “Gabe, I am having an unwelcome revelation,” he says seriously.

“Ooh,” Gabe grins. “If we’re going to gossip about you and Sisky Biz like little girls, then I have to get Travie on three way.”

“What makes you think it’s about me and Sisky?” Bill says, miffed. Gabe raises an eyebrow at him, already dialling. “Ok, fine,” Bill subsides, disgruntled.

“Wotcher, Travie,” Gabe says, setting the phone carefully upright on the floor.

“Hey Gabe, Bill,” Travis’ voice rumbles from speaker. “What’s up?”

“Weeeell,” Gabe begins, sounding almost sick with glee (bastard!) “the lovely Billiam has been schtupping little Adam T. Siska, and now is having a bit of a spaz fit.”

“Gabe,” Bill says, frowning, “don’t say schtupping.”

“No?” Gabe looks chagrined. “I thought I could pull that off.”

“No,” Bill says, with certainty.

“Sorry dude,” Travis commiserates from the phone.

“Well, whatever. Sisky and Bill are bangin’, sexin’, relaxin’ all cool, shooting some b-ball outside of school--”

“Gabe!” Bill snaps. “Focus! What are we, fourteen year old girls?”

Gabe raises the other eyebrow at him, managing to somehow encompass the fact that he is wearing a neon pink hoodie with My Little Ponies frolicking across it, Bill is wearing what he flatters himself are the tightest pair of skinny jeans known to man, and that they have Travis conferenced in to gossip about boys.

“Oh, whatever, fine, we’re embracing our inner fangirls today, can we please talk about my problem?! What am I going to do?!”

There’s a confused silence. “About what, dude?” Travis finally ventures.

Bill almost wails with frustration. “About Siska!”

“Um...” Gabe says. “Keep on tapping that? Revel in the jealousy and fawning adulation you will inevitably attract?”

“...huh.” Bill says, thoughtfully.

“Appreciate the fact you’re getting regular - and, if the fact that it’s taken you this long to notice is any indication, seriously awesome - sex,” Travie continues. “Stop being a total loser about the whole thing?”

“Gentlemen,” Bill says, unfolding himself from the floor. “I bid you good day.”

“Bye Bill,” Gabe and Travis chorus in slightly disturbing unison, as he exits the bus with all the gravity he can assemble.

The hysterical laughter that follows his regal departure in no way undermines its stateliness.


Siska looks up from Eliza Dushku being awesomely hot at cheerleading as Bill slinks through the door.

“Hey,” he says, agreeably, as Bill advances on him. “Did you do your thing?”

Bill dismisses this trivia with a lordly wave of his hand.

“Siska,” he says grandly, “it has been bought to my attention that we are, in fact, in what is referred to as a ‘relationship’. How do you feel about that?”

“Eh,” Siska says, shrugging. “It’s cool.”

"Oh," Bill says, somewhat disappointed by the lack of drama. "Well, good. I expect copious amounts of sex now, you understand."

Sisky quirks an eyebrow at him. "I kinda figured that was what the last few days had been all about. 'Course, if I’m wrong, don’t mind giving it another shot..."

"Adam T. Siska," Bill says, advancing on him. "I knew there was a reason you were my favourite."


Title obviously taken from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, because, well, what better to express the province of teenage girls and ridiculous boy dramz?

bandom for the lulz, fic-bandslash, fic-mine

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