Title: With A Clouded View (Part 2 of 9)
Fandom: Chronicles of Narnia
Pairing(s): Lucy/Susan
Rating: PG for this part. NC-17 overall
Summary: In which Lucy is guilt-ridden and Edmund is infuriating.
Word count: 4123
Warnings: Incest, although only implied so far. Don't like? Don't read.
A/N: Chapter 1 and initial notes are
This has taken
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Anyway! It's been so long now that I had to go refresh my memory of the first part, and was reminded by how much I adored it-and it's amazing how well the second part flows on from it, too, considering the amount of time that's passed. I have problems with that sometimes with The Night Starts Here, so I'm impressed by the way you've stayed in the same mindset and the tone of the fic doesn't change.
I really do love the way you write about Narnia-it all just feels so real and the little details of other characters and creatures really help to embellish the story. I think my favourite part of this though, is Edmund. I can completely understand Lucy's frustration with him, but hahaha, he's so adorable, trying so hard to help and just completely fixating on his plan. I adored the scene with the two of them talking at the beginning, you portrayed such a sweet brother/sister relationship and it definitely felt like them to me.
My heart sank when I reached the end, ngl. I hope there will be a next part soon, I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes. As always, your writing is beautiful, and I just want to congratulate you for managing to continue this story over so much time, because I know how much of a challenge that is. ♥
Either way, I hope you had a lovely time ♥
And I hope the blue screen of death has been blessedly absent :)
Thank you for all of this♥
It means a lot to me that you read this, and that you liked it. It's taken so long, and been kind of painful at times, so the fact that you think it follows on well from the first part is incredibly gratifying,especially so since, early on in particular, weeks would go by between one sentence and the next. I was rather worried that it would feel disjointed or jumpy for exactly that reason. It was all rather daunting really :)
It also became clear quite early on that the whole thing had kind of grown far beyond being an excuse to write incestuous smut and seems to be moving towards having a plot, which is also kind of scary, cos I suck at plot. And dialogue too! This is probably the most dialogue intensive thing I've ever written and I find it incredibly hard to do.
Erm, so yeah, there are a number of reasons this part took such a ridiculous long time, but I'm glad I persevered, and I'm very glad that you thought the persevering was worth it :)
(And talking of The Night Starts Here, I'm very much looking forward to the next part, however long it takes! Any news? :D)
Edmund was my favourite part of this too! He's so much fun to write :) All those good intentions, and so little understanding of what might actually be comforting or helpful. He means well, but he fails pretty comprehensively here. Maybe it'll come right in the end, despite that. We'll see ;)
I'm almost 3000 words into chapter 3, so I can safely say the next part won't take 8 months. Yay \o/ I really hope you like where the next bit goes. I'm kind of unsure about it. It needs some work, but hopefully it'll be ready to post in a month or so :)
Thank you so much for this lovely comment. It really does mean so much to me ♥ ♥ ♥
I hope things are going well with you :)
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