God, so busy. And obviously today I managed to fritter away most of today being all knackered and needing recover from the rest of the week. Annoying! (Also annoying: a boiler that only works about 50% of the time, and so I have to boil water to wash the other 50%. Twice, I've had someone to look at it, but because the fault is intermittent, it's kind of hard to track down. If it carries on, he'll have to start replacing the expensive bits. Boo).
The Skins Big Bang seems to be a massive success, and I'm very much enjoying my beta-ing duties. I occasionally think I've bitten off a little more than I can chew, but hey, I like doing it, so (it's like: I have actual permission to be pedantic at people, and they can't complain. How good is that? :p ).
And talking of the Skins BB, our glorious leader (AKA
shan-3414 :)) made this a few days ago, and god, it's so lovely. It makes all kinds of nostalgic. Just beautiful.
Click to view
And this is utterly lovely, too (ganked from
Click to view
The third and last episode of Sherlock was rather fabulous, but it was kind of disappointing that they felt the need to do the reveal of the Big Bad so early. Had the season actually been a decent length (3 episodes is just stupidly short) it would have been a perfect way to end the season finale, but as it was, it just seemed rather rushed. Still, Moriarty was excellent, and played crazy, scary, bad really rather entertainingly, so. And given that cliff-hanger, they obviously plan on making more, so there's that to look forward to.
I'm currently taking a break from all the angst of my little Narnia story by writing ridiculously over-the-top threesome smut. It's kinda fun :p
And my down-time has mostly been spent catching up on Pretty Little Liars, Legend of the Seeker, and old episodes of Doctor Who, of course :D. Also, just because, I'm rereading Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, for the first time since 1998. I took when I went to Cornwall for the total eclipse with Steve, Mark and Lou, so that's making me feel feel kind of nostalgic too. I'm so enjoying the first appearances of Ginny though. And I just love that the first thing she says is to have a go at Draco to defend Harry. That's our Gin ♥
I hope you're all having a fabulous summer :D