"I'm doing the Great fucking Northern Run. What does it look like I'm doing?"

May 05, 2010 21:47

Well, then. Insert random stuff here, I suppose.

Whitby was all sorts of fun, and the company was fab, and mostly good humoured. I may have drunk rather more gin (and whisky for that matter) than is technically healthy, and I definitely ate more cheese and fudge than my nominally vegan diet would suggest (I miss cheese ok? It's been over a decade, and I've never stopped missing it, and they don't make a decent non-dairy cheese. Trust me, I've looked).

A few days ago, blurubberband55 posted a Katie Fitch vid that crackfoxx made for her (the prompt was "Katie Fitch is awesome at life" to the tune of "I'm too sexy"). It may actually be the best thing ever, and it's one of the things things I've seen in the last few days that's brought home to me the total reversal of my opinion on Katie. I loathed her utterly when I first saw season 3, and for months afterwards. Now though? I just want to hug her. I love her so much. This vid may give you a clue as to why.

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And the other thing that brought home my total acceptance of the complete awesomeness of Katie Fitch? Well, I hope all of the Skins fans among you are reading flister's ...And the Battle Began (prologue and first part here, second part (of ten) here). If you're not, you really should be. It's Katie/Naomi/Emily (but not, as Flis delicately points out. in that way ...), and it's wonderful. Seriously, it's only 2 parts in and I love it so hard.

Talking of things I love hard, Doctor Who remains awesome, and Amy retains her ability to render me entirely incapable of rational thought (although the fact that I spend the entire time she's on the screen unable to look elsewhere did make it pretty obvious that in the first part of the Weeping Angels two parter she was wearing red Converse and in the second they were blue (and yes, I know my colour vision is pretty poor, but it's really not that bad). When did she get time to change them? Am I imagining things? Surely it's way too blatant to be a continuity error?

And also awesome? Legend of the Seeker. I'm so late to it, but it's so much fun. And how pretty are they? Seriously, just look at them ♥

And even though I haven't got to Season 2 yet, I really can't miss out Cara.

(LOL at Kahlan's face. So cute).

How gutted am I that it's been canceled? I do not have the words. Grrrr D:

In other news, it's 10 hours, more or less, until the polls open for the General Election, and despite talk of a hung Parliament I strongly suspect that there'll be a Tory landslide. A number of people have suggested that the party that wins this one will render themselves pretty much unelectable for a goodly time afterwards (Mervyn King (the Governor of the Bank of England, for the non-Brits on my f-list) has been quoted as having used the term "a generation" (although really, what constitutes a political generation is sort of hazy. Labour's time in the wilderness lasted 18 years, but I can't really see that feat being equaled)). Either way, though, I'm very much afraid that Friday morning will see the start of at least 2 terms of Tory rule. And honestly, I'll be inconsolable. I remember the last time they clawed their way to the top of the heap far too well. God, I loathe them.
That said, I'm still not quite sure where my vote is actually going. I voted Labour in '97 and Lib Dem every General thereafter. Not that it makes all that much difference, as Liverpool Riverside is pretty much as safe a seat as Labour has.

It's sort of depressing having always lived in a completely safe seat. Where I grew up, I'd be extremely surprised if there's ever been anything but a Tory MP. Actually, I tell a lie. One of the few entries of my great grandfather's diary (it lives with me, because I don't trust my family to look after it) that doesn't deal with suicide, accidental death, murder, Zeppelin raids, sinkings (Sunday April 15 1912 was a big day for him, I think, with a total of 703 lives saved against 1503 lost in one incident (you can probably guess which one))etc.etc. He was a death obsessed old sod) gives the local result of the 1918 General Election to a Coalition candidate, with 8138 votes. The '29 one went to the splendidly named Lt Colonel Ruggles Brice (Conservative - 14020 votes), though, and we've been lumbered with his ilk since.

Anyway, I hope the Brits reading this will be out to vote tomorrow, wherever you choose to put that cross (especially those of you who'll be able to vote for the first time. You know who you are :D).

Anything else? Oh yes, the writers on my f-list, and specifically those of you who are inclined to write smut (and obviously I include myself in that) may find this (Five Ways to Write Femslashy Porn) interesting, or just entertaining.

And that's pretty much it really. I assume those of you to whom it would be at all interesting have already seen Diana Gabaldon's (no, I'd not heard of her either) diatribe on fanfiction, and the various rebuttals it attracted. If you haven't, it's covered pretty comprehensively in the May 3 entry of Fandom Wank (thanks to jengrrrl for the link). Unsurprisingly, most of the members of fandom who chose to respond to her were generally more well informed, measured, literate and civilised than Gabaldon. But then, the last couple of things I wrote were Skins and Harry Potter themed porn, so it'll be pretty obvious what side of the fence I'm sitting on in that particular argument.

By the way, Al, I'm so sorry I haven't got back to you yet. I will soon, honest. I've been a bit up the wall recently :)

Anyway, love to all. I hope things are going wonderfully.

I'll leave you with a tune. It's VNV Nation "As It Fades", and it never fails to take me to my happy place.

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harry potter, why does david cameron exist?, oh amy, legend of the seeker, politics, skins, my family is fucking odd, porn, oh kahlan i love you, scum sucking tory pigs, oh katie why do i love you so?, music, katie fucking fitch, freddie m - death obsessed weirdo, doctor who

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