(no subject)

Nov 12, 2006 01:36

It's almost 2:30 a.m and I'm still (obviously) awake. What the hell is wrong with me.


I saw Borat a few days ago, and Stranger Than Fiction tonight. It's been a good movie week for me ... which is nice because before last week, I hadn't seen a movie for months - just actually NOTHING worthwhile spending $10 on.

The movies were completely different, but both funny. Borat  was terribly offensive and inappropriate, but I'm not going to be a snob about it - I laughed quite heartily. It also showed some interesting things about America that aren't usually shown. Which, as a Canadian, amused/shocked me.

And STF surprised me. I thought it was going to be more of a slapstick-style comedy, when really it had some serious and emotional moments. The cast in it is great - plus my love for Will Ferrell now has no bounderies ♥♥

And I'd always wanted to try making an icon to use on LJ, so I did one tonight just using a black-and-white photo of myself. I like it! So who knows maybe I'll make more...

{PS Panic! At The Disco concert in 5 days}

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