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prunejuicebob User Number: 3975593
Date Created:2004-07-27
Number of Posts: 212
Corinne (alias: prunejuicebob) tries to post regularly and provide something fun for her friends list. Her life thus far is not particularly exciting; she hopes to rectify that sometime soon.
Strengths: A sense of humour, easy to talk to, friendly, loyal, and mature for her age.
Weaknesses: Sometimes too judgemental, and still only technically 18 years of age.
Special Skills: Photography, smoking marijuana, laughing, and prowling the internets (a very important skill!)
Weapons: Killer glare, and razor-sharp sarcasm (don't underestimate it.)
Allies: My music and my family will always protect me.
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Crossfire_ Corinne disproved the existance of god
Corinne was then promptly hit by a bolt of lighting
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