Ugh, I've been such a stoner/lacker these last few days. When I get lazy, absolutely nothing gets done. Oh my.
+ Oscars on Sunday. I watched on and off, on mute, because it was so cheesy. However, Slumdog Millionaire won and that's great. GO SEE THAT MOVIE. Amy Adams looked amazing, seriously. I can't believe she was on some "worst dressed" lists. Bitch, please. Just look at that necklace!!! And the red!!! And her hair!! I wants it all.
+ a fun music meme from
elegant_repose Comment if you want a letter and pass it on~~.
1. Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
2. List (and upload, if you want) 5 songs that start with that letter.
3. Post them to your journal with these instructions.
She gave me ~L~
"L.E.S. Artists" by Santogold
"Let It Fall" by Lykki Li
"Last Goodbye" - by Jeff Buckley
"Long Division" by Death Cab for Cutie
"Lump Sum" by Bon Iver [please watch that video anyways, it is heartbreakingly beautiful]
Please have a listen. They're all quite nice. ♥
+ That's all.