
Mar 16, 2012 14:49

Dearest remaining livejournal vigilantes -

I've been away a long time, not because lj is dead or whatever, but because I've been pregnant and never found a way to write about/during that time. the101dmnations and i had our little kiddo 9 days ago, and I've felt the possibility of writing opening up again, plus lots of relatives etc want to see baby pictures. I'll probably be posting mostly at thatyouenter which is our joint baby-related account, since life is essentially all baby-related now, for now. I'm excited to have entered the tribe of mothers, and relieved that after 9 days I feel less like Linda Blair pre-exorcism, as far as raging shifting emotions go. In any case, it's nice to be back on this boat with those of you who are still on it.

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