Thanks to
yell0wpikmin, I have been informed that RSJ is coming to SF Con.
I feel a little pathetic for hyperventilating a little, but it's RSJ!!
I decided I won't do a photo op with anyone, it's not worth it if I'll be doing it all by myself. It also makes me feel slightly FOREVERALONE.JPG. So I think I'll just go general admissions. Not entirely sure how I'll deal with Friday, what with school and going alone and all. (I think I'll take the M back home, drop my stuff off, then hop on the J...that'll probably mean that I'll get there at 5:30 at the earliest, though.) I have my fingers crossed that my aunt's working that night, so I could just hitch a ride back home with her, but there are no guarantees when it comes to her work...she usually works morning shifts, anyway. /sigh WHY DO I NOT DRIVE A CAR, SERIOUSLY.
Watch me just be totally awkward and trusting and ask someone from the con to drive me home. ETA: So, I just checked taxi rates...and they're actually cheaper than I remember them being. Maybe I'll just grab a cab and go home...unless Lexi and/or Puchuu end up coming after all, in which case I would actually feel, y'know, safe hitching a ride back with them? lol
Anyway, I just tallied all the money I have. By Thanksgiving, I will have $100 solid. I'll make about $80 between now and con day from allowance. I still have a $122 paycheck, but I'm very iffy about splurging it in one go, especially because it's my first paycheck. (And if I splurge, it will be on a PSP bundle on Black Friday, not for con.) I'm pretty sure I have a $100 savings bond in my closet somewhere from an essay contest I won back in eighth grade, but finding it would require effort.
I'm definitely good to go for con season next year, but I will have to starve myself. A lot. A few of my friends suggested borrowing money and paying them back whenever, but that just makes me feel really guilty.