I hate school. I really do. Especially hell weeks. This particular junior hell week is interestingly enough Theater Hell Week, too.
So, anyway, Anna just informed me that SF's a stop on Jin's world tour. She really wants to go and frankly, I kind of do, too, just for old time's sake, even though I never liked him much.
That said,
kitten_lily also told me that KUNTT!KAT-TUN has a mini US tour going on next year. Now that I would be relatively excited for.
Now if only NEWS would come. lmao
What the hell happened to never letting Johnny Kitagawa grub my money again?!
ETA: So, long story short, city of SF is paying pollworkers to work on Election Day. It'll be my FIRST JOB EVER!!11ONEONE (Well, first job where I don't get paid under the table, anyway. ...that sounded wrong.)
So, I got my precinct assignment a few days ago. I just Google Maps'd it.
I'm going to be working out of someone's garage. This is going to be beyond awkward.