SPN Fic: If He Moves, Will He Fall?

Nov 25, 2012 18:16

Title: If He Moves, Will He Fall?
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre: Gen or Sam/Dean, or, What you will.
Word-count: 2676
Spoilers: End of S3.
Disclaimer: Not mine; just hunting Kripke's textual deer.
Summary: Dean's spiking a fever and losing the ability to distinguish Iowa from Hell. Sam does what he can to help him remember.
Notes: Written for this prompt, ( Read more... )

gratuitous sick!dean, dean, armadillo!dean, supernatural, motel, gen, the human mind is a fragile thing, sam pov, h/c, flu, fanfic, dammit sam, sam, fever, s4

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Comments 15

borgmama1of5 November 26 2012, 05:01:33 UTC
"It's been a year. They say that 21 days are enough to form a habit, and Sam's had 365 to rewrite himself into someone who doesn't need an older brother to look out for him. And he doesn't regret that decision - Sam's always wanted to be more than Dean's little brother; and besides, with Dean in hell, what other choice was there?
He's just disgusted at how easy it really was."

That pretty much is a perfect summary of season 4 Sam.


prufrock_26 November 26 2012, 22:51:53 UTC
Thanks! I have to confess, I'm endlessly fascinated by season 4 Sam. He's this giant bundle of distressing contradictions with a mountain of good intentions piled on top, and I'll probably never get tired of poking and prodding at that mess.


katsheswims November 26 2012, 05:12:36 UTC
Poor boys...


prufrock_26 November 26 2012, 22:52:35 UTC
Poor boys, indeed....

Thanks for reading!


catsintheattic November 26 2012, 19:28:39 UTC
That was incredibly harsh, and it felt incredibly real, too. First I was angry with Sam for being so cold towards Dean. But of course he would have needed getting used to being on his own. And it was his right to be more than Dean's little brother. But of course he would feel bad about his adjustment and his ability for freedom, after realising what it meant for how he treated Dean.

Poor hurt boys, both of them.


prufrock_26 November 26 2012, 22:56:45 UTC
Thank you! I dunno, this prompt was so warm and cuddly, and then as soon as I started writing Sam turned really angry and cold (yeah, "harsh" is totally fair). I'm glad it felt real, though.


maypoles November 27 2012, 01:53:06 UTC
Faaabulous take on the prompt! <333 The way you get into Sam's season 4 headspace is brilliant, and you write h/c with such a light touch. SO GOOD, SERIOUSLY.


prufrock_26 December 3 2012, 04:39:33 UTC
Agh, this is possibly the nicest compliment; I don't even know what to say. This is one I was really uneasy about posting because it felt rushed and awkward and heavy-handed, but this makes me feel all warm and safe inside. Um, ILU. ♥


judith_88_g November 27 2012, 08:04:19 UTC
Oh, boys. Aren't they two beautifully messed-up bunnies? *hugs them*
I love what you did in this story, Sam's POV rang very believable for his 4 season self. He's angry and crude and so amazingly lost in everything that happened and is still happening.
Excellent read!


prufrock_26 December 3 2012, 04:44:09 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad Sam's POV was believable - season 4 is so messy and hard to figure out. (Yes, beautifully messed-up is exactly what they are. :)


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