Edit - Star trek: TOS Mirror crew

Apr 22, 2023 22:33

Title: Star trek edits: TOS Mirror crew
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (classic)
Timeline: Mirror (1.5)
Characters: All seven core main plus a couple of named characters.
Rating: G
Tagline: The ISS Enterprise senior crew and additional officers by 2267.
About the edit: All the characters shown have appeared in the episode (duh!) but positions, on top of the names of two, aren't strictly canon.
Notes: There is no official motto for the ISS Enterprise. I decided to modify the classic intro into one that would fit for the Empire.
Notes 2: The tv show uses the old Stardate method. No specific stardate is offered, besides the year.
Notes 3: In some renderings, the Terran Empire emblem is added on the hull. On the I.S.S Enterprise, as we see it in both the original and the CGI-remade episode, the emblem is missing. I decided to stick with the canon.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Not satisfied. Everything looks better with the AOS colors (gray background). Also, working with characters taken from screencaps is a big no-no in my house.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Some text about the Mirror Verse lifted from Memory Alpha's pages about the Mirror Verse and the Terran Empire.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (774 x 838)

SF:\Classified\Other Timelines\Mirror Universe\ISS Enterprise\NCC_1701>_

“Where no one has conquered before”

Ship’s Name: I.S.S. Enterprise
Ship’s Registry: NCC-1701
Command History: Captain Robert April (2245-2250)
Captain Christopher Pike (2250-2265)
Captain James T. Kirk (2265-PRESENT)
Ship’s Class: Constitution Class
Ship’s Type: Heavy Cruiser
Ship’s Overview: The flagship and pride of the Imperial Starfleet, its mission to conquer and submit new civilizations for the dominance of the Terran Empire.
Ship’s Service History, abridged: _
<< unavailable data >>
Status: Active (2267)
Timeline Name: Mirror Universe
Timeline Details: Terran Empire, repressive government, in place of United Federation of Planets. Same people as prime universe, good characteristics swapped for morally bad one (and vice versa).
Annotations: This parallel universe coexists with the prime universe in the same space, but on another dimensional plane.
Superiors who fail to follow the rules of the Empire can be killed by other officers looking for promotions. Torture is a common form of interrogation, discipline and punishment.
Encounter date: ---
Encounter location: ---
Encounter cause: ---
Crew complement: 418 (430)
Crew manifest: _

Commanding officer: Captain James T. Kirk

First officer and Chief science officer: Commander Spock

Chief engineer: Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott

Chief medical officer: Lieutenant Commander Leonard McCoy

Chief communications officer: Lieutenant Nyota Uhura

Science officer: Lieutenant Marlena Moreau

Senior helmsman and Chief of security: Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu

Chief Navigator: Ensign Pavel Chekov

Captain's personal guard: Crewman Farrell

Transporter chief: Lieutenant Winston Kyle

Security guard: Crewman Wilson

Security officer: Ensign Davis

char trek: pavel chekov, ++ fandom: star trek, char trek: nyota uhura, char trek: montgomery scott, 1.5 (mirror!tos), series: trek crews au, char trek: spock, char trek: hikaru sulu, char trek: james t. kirk, char trek: leonard mccoy, + edits

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