Manip - Magical restraints

Mar 21, 2023 21:37

Title: Magical restraints
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: BBC's Merlin (post-canon) AU / Harry Potter
AU: Dark!Merlin
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin (implied)
Characters: Arthur Pendragon
Rating: PG-13
Tagline: The magical restrains of Merlin the Great on Arthur Pendragon, Once and Future King.
About the manip: Under the graphic.
About the AU: Under the graphic.
Notes: Made for the Merlin's BDSM Week at Tumblr.
Notes 2: I swear I started this before seeing Mossmx's banner arts. Theirs are better anyway. :D
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): The idea was to make the restraints to look like Wonder Woman's lazo as rendered in the movies.
Epic fail. So no, I don't like the results. Whatever.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (600 x 903)

About the manip
“So, you’ll go dark wizard on me, after all...” Arthur mumbles, resigned to his fate.

“This isn’t going ‘dark wizard on you’, Arthur.”
Arthur didn’t expect an answer. He blinks.
“This is ‘alternative and constructive use of magic’, if you will.”

Merlin is staring. Arthur doesn’t understand if he’s waiting for a retort, or if he’s waiting to see the moment he gives up any pretence of fighting what even the famed Once and Future King cannot fight. Arthur doesn’t have the slightest intention of yielding, though: he’s left with only his honour and he won’t let Merlin crush it.

“What you’re doing,” Arthur yanks at the restraints. Useless: they don’t budge an inch. “What you’re planning to do is not ‘constructive’.”

Merlin is still staring, unblinking. There’s amusement in his eyes. Like a cat that plays with the mouse before the killing blow.
Arthur can’t accept it that he’s playing the role of the mouse. And even if he’s tied up and unable to even twitch his head without Merlin’s permission, Arthur builds up his courage. At least Merlin appears to be listening, so he must talk.

“What you’re about to do is destructive”
Despite it all, he can’t stop hoping. Perhaps Merlin is still in time to stop. Perhaps...

“Oh, what I’ll use on you will be,”
Merlin’s voice is further lower and threatening now. And Arthur can’t stop the shiver that runs down his back.

“What I’ll do to you will be constructive and instructive, Arthur. To teach you your place.”

About the AU
A prophecy predicts the rise to power of a powerful dark wizard. The wizarding world thinks the prophecy has been nullified when Voldemort is defeated by a small child.
It's the 90s. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is lurking in the shadows, planning his return. But it's not Voldemort’s resurface who poses a threat to the balance of magic. It’s not Voldemort’s return that jeopardizes the very tread of magic. It’s not Voldemort the reason why Magic Itself decides that a proactive intervention is needed.
Under the disguise of a rather shadowy teacher of History of Magic, Merlin is researching the ways to bring back the dead. Tired of waiting for a return that will never happen, he's set on forcing it. Whatever the cost.
But only dark magic can give life to those who have died. Only through dark magic, Merlin can steal his former king from his immortal sleep in Avalon.
Merlin isn’t just a powerful warlock who lived hundreds of lives, silent witness to all the changes of the world, only witness to the tragedies that occurred to the magic people, the only one to remember the times before the magic people retired in their own world, hidden from the rest. Merlin is Magic incarnated and they are more entwined that even Merlin himself have ever understood. If Merlin dabbed too much in dark arts and were to be forever changed by it, Magic itself would forever change with him. Corruption within Merlin would forever corrupt Magic as well.
There is one chance to save Merlin from himself, only one person with enough power to stop Merlin. And so Magic has Arthur return to stop Merlin from fully embracing the growing darkness within himself. Albion's need is greatest, the preconditions for Arthur’s return are created. Arthur can return. Just... not as himself. With the state of the wizarding world, in which Arthur Pendragon is believed to be a legendary king that should rise to power and rule them all, anonymity is necessary. Arthur must focus on Merlin, without distractions. Only when Merlin will see behind the disguise, when the veil of dark magic that blinds Merlin will be lifted, Arthur will be allowed to shred his dragon form and claim his rightful place in the wizarding world.
Cue in Draco Malfoy, bully extraordinaire and Prince of Slytherin since 1991. It’s the 1994 summer, and Draco is spending his summer at home before returning to school for his fourth Hogwarts year.
And so Arthur wakes on the shores of Avalon, just right when poor Draco Malfoy is taking a stroll - unaware of what he’s about to bump into and how much his future will be changed by the meeting of a small red and gold dragon who claims to be the legendary Arthur Pendragon, king of them all.
Under the disguise of the Malfoy dragon pet, and with the unwilling help of what Arthur has elected as his new (very blond and very worse-than-Merlin-lousy) servant, Arthur sets out with his plan to draw Merlin’s attention all on him, so to divert him from the dark magic. For almost all the school year he taunts Merlin and hints at his return, in a game of mouse and cat that almost drives Merlin insane (and make Draco wish he could relocated in the non-magical world just to be on the safe side and not be at the castle when Merlin will eventually go crazy and strike them all with lightings).
Arthur succeeds, he stops the dark future from happening. but it doesn't mean his duty is done. Merlin's brush with dark magic left him permanently changed. No more the Merlin Arthur said goodbye to, the man he wished would never change. A new Merlin has taken his place, a Merlin who isn’t fine with serving - a Merlin who has grown into a master.
The day Arthur reveals himself, crown and armour and all the rest, is the day Arthur meets this new Merlin. A bloodbath avoided, the school safe. Yet, Arthur is not spared from Merlin’s cold rage. Without the chance to even wield Excalibur, he’s thrown against a wall and forced to submit to Merlin’s control. Golden snakes of magic slither on him, turning into restraints that keep him pinned on the bed, like a sacrifice ready to be taken. What follows is a wild night, in which Merlin demand full submission and every ounce of control is ripped off of Arthur.
He will wake to a tired body and a glowing red circle around his neck to label him property of Merlin the Great.
Arthur's new duty is now to keep that darkness in check, to draw on himself Merlin’s most dark instincts so he might not be tempted by darkness again.
Eventually the collar will morph into a thin circle made of protective magic, a sign that Arthur belongs to Merlin and Magic Itself, but that’s another story for another time...

++ fandom: bbc's merlin, au: merlin in hogwarts, au: dark!merlin, + manips, char merlin: arthur pendragon

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