Title: Prince Dean
Artist: Hakka (
prue84 )
Fandom: Supernatural AU / BBC's Merlin (canon era) AU
Characters: Dean Winchester
Rating: G
Tagline: Prince Dean Winchester in Camelot.
Series: Dragoneyes's TPaTD
About the manip: Dean from
The Prince and The Dragon series - specifically to the never finished crossover with Merlin.
Notes: Something done in 2017. I was meant to place a circlet on Dean's head. The fic series that inspired this has been long since dropped, and I have no interest in further working on the manip. Releasing it as it is.
Notes 2: There's a companion manip, featuring Sam but that needs a bit of cleaning up. Might release in the future. Or not.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): IDK. Too long time ago. I did make a quick attempt with the circlet before the release but, since it looked "wrong", I just gave up.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Full credits below the manip itself.
Click to see fullsize (1000 x 667)
Original pic from BBC's Merlin series, Season. Found at
Merlin's Keep.
Jensen Ackles, photo from February 2006 (might be part of a Supernatural photoshoot).