Manip - Winter Holidays, 05

Dec 23, 2022 20:29

Title: Winter Holidays - 05 (SNW Jim)
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (new trek)
Pairing: Kirk/Spock (implied)
Characters: James Kirk
Rating: PG-13
Tagline: Because the timelines might be different, but some things are simply meant to be. Aka, the one time when the photo shoot setting was the same but the Kirk is different - part V.
Series: Winter Holidays (5/6 + bonus pic)
Notes: Please bear in mind that my personal headcanon is that Discovery established a divergence and thus both Discovery and Strange New World are set in a different timeline than TOS. More about this at this post.
Notes 2: Yes, as of now these Spock and Jim don't even know each other. Do I care? No.
Notes 3: Long story. This series, as in TOS and Reboot, was done in 2015. Earlier this year I was talking with someone who happened to be a very enthusiastic and long fan of the Reboot!Jim. It's a long story and I won't talk about it more, but out of the unsettling bad episode that followed, it came a positive note: I was remembered about this series. Cut to a couple of months later, and I got struck by an idea: why not doing the new Kirk and Spock?
I ended up rushing them in December but I made it.
I took the opportunity to retouch a bit the previous four pieces, hiding the Kirk's junk with a good-placed shadow and playing a bit with a colored filter on the Spocks.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): OMG this one! The hardest part wasn't finding faces of Paul Weasley, and not even the tedious and irking, repetitive job of trying them on the bases, but pick the one combo to work on! At one point I was working with three different bases (the model original pics) and 54587 of Paul's faces. I eventually managed to get down to 4 on three different base/poses, and then had to enlist aleniakalain to help choose.
Once I decided, it was actually a matter of tinkering here and there (luckily I didn't have to start from scratch with the heads I roughly cut during the tests).
Very proud of this. The photo shoot from this (and the other two Kirks from the series) comes is small but of high quality and is a pleasure to work with.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (600 x 900)

++ fandom: star trek, + manips, char trek: james t. kirk, 1.0.1 (discovery), series: winter holidays

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