Edit - Star Trek/Merlin (2/2)

Dec 12, 2022 18:50

Part two of the Fandoms in Trek AUs: Merlin.
The original post was too long for Livejournal, so it had to be split in two parts. Posted in one part elsewhere.

Nurse: Lieutenant Iseldir Chieftain
Born in a self-sustaining small ecocolony in the which there was no concept of private property and everything was shared, Iseldir grew up as one of the community children, his father all the men, his mother all the women. His formative years were spent in the woods, learning to become one with nature.
The call of the stars eventually reached him, driving him away from the simple life afforded by the colony, and he left his home with only the clothes he owned and a dream to become a doctor and visit far away worlds.
It turns out that the bare education received in the community isn't enough to enter medicine school, too much to study to catch up, too many years to spend earthbound.
Iseldir, longing for space, thus chose to become a nurse instead, a shorter course in a similar field.
He loves his job and every night, before he retires to sleep, he prays his gods and thanks them for giving him the chance to be of help to those he assisted in the day about to finish.
No amount of ambition can be find in him: happy for his current position, he's uninterested in a promotion.

Tactical systems officer: Lieutenant Helios Southron
Born in a small independent system where the survival of the fittest was the rule, Helios trained and became a soldier in the army of his tribe. Growing cold and harsh in a world where the winner takes the spoil and the weak becomes slave of the strong, he raised through the ranks until becoming a respected warlord.
Always hired to fight someone else's war, the war eventually arrived on his planet when the Klingons came to conquer it. The system was aided by the Federation, and the Klingons were driven back, and its leader chose to became part of the Federation. With mercenary activity forbidden by the new law, Helios is left with the choice of enlisting.
He's taken a fancy into Commander Smith, but he's loyal to Lieutenant Gorlois, for whom he would be willing to single-handedly conquer the captainship, if she only asked.

Assistant science officer: Lieutenant Finna Bendrui
Enrolled to an exclusive science academy that trains the most renowned scientists of the Federation, she failed to meet the exceptionally high standards of the institution that claims to compete with the Vulcan Science Academy and resorted instead to enlist to Starfleet.
Kind, sensitive and polite but with an iron will, she's provided with a strong sense of duty: if she's given a mission, she will put her everything to carry it out.
When Lieutenant Commander Alator is appointed counselor as the first for this new position, Finna is the natural choice to succeed him as assistant science officer.
With Emrys permanently sitting at the science station on the bridge, the coordination of the science division is in her competent hands.

Security officer: Ensign Kara Freedom
Stubborn and set into her beliefs to the point of being blinded, Kara stands her ground whenever she feels she's right, and this lead to a couple of insubordination reports that mark her otherwise spotless service record. Completely unable to hide her personal disdain toward the captain - and not willing to even give it a try - her attitude is a reason of many headaches for her boyfriend, security officer Bane, who just wishes to live a quiet life on the Excalibur and not to be put in front of the though decision of choosing between his new family and his love.
Kara's stay on the ship is secured as long as the captain turns a blind eye to her behavior just for Bane's sake, but Mordred knows it's just a matter of time. Kara genuinely loves him, but her hatred for the Pendragon family blinds her, for she blames now Admiral Pendragon and his arrogance for the death of a relative she was close to, and she just sees Uther Pendragon in his son Arthur.
She and security officer Bane have already shared a romantic relationship back at the Academy, before his graduation took him at the other side of the quadrant.

Physician: Chief Petty Officer Alice Manticore
Skilled doctor, after practicing in her small town, Alice felt the call of the stars and enlisted as medical officer, not expecting that on a starship she would find love.
With Captain Uther discouraging personal relationships between his enlisted and non-enlisted crew members, she and Lieutenant Blaze were forced to hide their relationship and kept their engagement a secret. Thus, when "the Purge" happened and the axe fell on Alice's head, Gaius couldn't request HQ to transfer them on the same ship; desperate, Alice appealed to the captain, hoping that by revealing him about the engagement, Uther Pendragon would make an exception for his friend's sake. He didn't - actually, this drew Uther's petty and vengeful hatred on her. Uther's power reached everywhere and knowing that her chance to ever enroll in the Academy was gone forever and that Uther would make sure to ruin her career wherever she went, Alice was forced to take a long absence of leave and practice as civilian doctor on the outer frontier. She took a chance to return to Starfleet and active duty on ships only when the news of Uther's promotion to admiralty reached where she was living: she hoped now he'd be too busy to pay attention to her return. Thanks to what she'll always claim was a favorable astral conjunction, her application for an assignment on the Excalibur slipped under the powerful admiral's radar and her transfer was countersigned.
She and Gaius have long since resumed their romance. This time they're not willing to waste more time and bother with secrets, and they've already planned for a private marriage ceremony: captain Pendragon already agreed to officiate.
From the outer frontier she brought with herself a curious (and quite ugly) alien pet animal that looks like coming out of Earth's myths, some kind of cat-sized lion with a scorpion tail and the head resembling the one of a human; despite its looks and the threatening stinger, it's harmless and spends most of his time in a box, napping.

Engineer: Petty Officer Tyr Seward
A humble and simple boy with a love for his job, Tyr takes much pride in serving in the engineering of such a fine ship like the Excalibur under Captain Pendragon's command. He doesn't care that he's just one of the hundred of operations that swarms about the room, or that he'll never see a stripe around his wrist: he wears his red shirt and his petty officer pin with upmost pride.
He likes to compare himself to just one busy bee who does his share: for how much little it might be, it works toward the goal of keeping a huge hive like the Excalibur thriving.

Yeoman: Ensign Gilli Ring
Gilli was raised by his single father, a war veteran turned strict pacifist. Remaining true to the vow to never use violence again, the man refused to resort to weapons or his training to defend himself when he was attacked by three thugs for refusing to pay them protection bribes. His resulting death left a mark on Gilli, who grew ashamed of his father and his attempts to hide who he was.
The admission to a good school was the compensation he was looking for, but he was singled out by a couple of bullies during the whole course. Quiet and mild mannered, he tried to be respectful and polite, but such experience hardened further his hearth: firmly believing that he was owed respect, he swore that he would now get it at all costs, he would learn how to fight and to never hold his fists. Putting aside his science inclination, he enlisted in Starfleet Security.
His life changed when, a couple of years later, he met then-Ensign Emrys on a starbase. Mistaking Emrys for a civilian who could use some help from two drunk obnoxious Starfleet members, he stepped in. Sitting at a small table at the cafeteria, Gilli shared with Emrys his harsh view of society and what he was set on achieving, that he was set on rising through the ranks at all cost. Emrys attempted to talk him into a different approach but failed.
Two days later the same arrogant crewmembers singled out Gilli again. Ready for a fight, this time it was Emrys to step in, revealing his rank and suffusing the situation before it could escalate. Emrys sat down with the frustrated Gilli explaining he took the liberty to take a look at his records and eventually convinced him to attempt the entrance test to the Academy and get an officer's commission, with the promise that Emrys would do his best to find him a place wherever Emrys would be assigned next. Emrys kept his promise. Fresh from graduation, Gilli is assigned to the Excalibur and Emrys, now a senior officer, immediately took him under his wing.
After a rough planetside mission in which he was forced to kill to protect himself, Gilli finally made peace with his father's views, for years a source of shame. Now he understands why his father clung to his believes so much as to give his own life.
Polite and eager to learn, he hung at the science labs too much; Emrys had him quickly transferred to the science department to tutor him.
His most precious possession is the special forces class ring that belonged to his father; the object is always on his middle finger.

Communications section chief: Lieutenant Commander Vivian King
Daughter of awarded Admiral Olaf King, she grew up sheltered and spoiled, surrounded by richness. Entitled and haughty, she walked through the academy course as if high rates and commendations were her birthright; such an attitude didn't win her any friend. Her father's protectiveness is legendary, scuttlebutt say that then-captain threatened any cadet that tried to woo or get too intimate with Vivian.
To escape her father's oppressive clutches, she asked an assignment to deep space, hoping to get as far from Earth as she could.
Her reputation precedes her wherever she goes, and when she arrives on the Excalibur, any crewmember expects to work with a conceited officer. She makes no effort to change any expectation. Firm believer that only those who graduated in command track should be promoted to senior positions, she's quick to develop resentment toward Commander Smith, a red shirt not only promoted first officer but also her own superior officer in the communications department.
Captain Pendragon just grins and bears it, to not make an enemy of Admiral King her father. All in all, she shows competence and high efficiency in her duties so, for as much as he wishes to, he can't find any reason to force a transfer.
An incident with some alien chemical that acted like a love potion on her and Captain Pendragon and almost got them to elope and get intimate, left Vivian with lingering one-sided feelings for the captain. In the hopes to win his love, she decided to change. It's a slow mission, but she's putting all of herself in it.
Luckily for the captain, Admiral King hasn't discovered about the incident, or he would be running to the Excalibur to challenge Arthur Pendragon to a duel.

Orderly: Crewman, 1st class Daegal Druidson
Orphaned since a young age, Daegal learned from very early to tend to himself and not expect much from others. His decision to enlist came for a lack of choices, an occupation like any other that would take him away from the poor colony where he grew up, for a person worth nothing like he thinks he is. With no specific skills to distinguish him, he was set on becoming one of the nameless redshirts that come and go unnoticed; it was with surprise that at orientation he was suggested to pick science division, after his attitude tests showed a caring and nurturing disposition.
The one on the Excalibur is his first assignment in space. As orderly his duty is to aid medical officers with non-invasive and menial tasks, but his extreme kindness toward patients have quickly caught the attentive eye of senior doctor Serket, who monitors each member of the medical family. Eager to improve, willing to serve double duties and humble enough to accept and welcome any reprimand whenever he makes a mistake, Daegal is liked by most of the medical personnel, and to many comes natural to tutor him on how to do things pertaining to his job, or explain him instruments and procedures.
His quiet presence in sickbay is acknowledged when he assists Lieutenant Commander Emrys during his recovery from a poisoning. Emrys, impressed by the efforts and caring Daegal showed toward him, complimented the orderly and then suggested CMO Cara to nurture an officer who, quoting, "had the gift". Daegal was then ordered to shadow head nurse Blaze, from whom the young crewman may learn more about the medical field.
Daegal's wish is now to earn a promotion to medical assistant and then, one day, perhaps have the chance to study to become a nurse, so to better cure patients and people in need of a medical help.

Archive vault officer: Petty Officer Julius Borden
Pupil of Lieutenant Blaze, he served as an orderly in the Camelot sickbay for his first years in space. When the big crew reshuffle known as "the Purge" happened, Julius left his mentor and the ship without any word, to then soon retire from Starfleet to purse his own interests.
After dedicating almost twenty years of his life to the search of the triskelion, an alien artifact said to be the key to access an ancient tomb that hides an immense treasure, he found himself with just a piece of the ancient item acquired, the other two parts missing and no idea where to find them. Broke and disillusioned, he decided to return to Starfleet in the hopes of using the service's unmatched resources to complete his quest. Switching to operations, so to broaden his chance to be assigned to different positions that could get him in away parties and get privy to any information pertaining his search, and after working hard to earn the trust of any superior he served under, he finally managed to get himself transferred to one of the Sisters as the new archive vaults officer. He didn't foresee to meet his former mentor there, of all places (he thought Gaius retired from active duty when the Camelot was decommissioned and Uther Pendragon promoted to admiralty), but he immediately took preventative measures to protect himself in case Lieutenant Blaze suspected his reason to return to Starfleet after all the years spent as a civilian doing shady businesses: always quick to find out who really matters in an environment, he went straight to befriend the powerful éminence grise of the Excalibur, Lieutenant Commander Emrys, by showing interest in that odd (and annoying) pet of his, thus securing his stay on the ship.
Ironically, he's unaware that he's never been closer to his goal, as both the triskelion missing parts he seeks belong to the families of two officers he serves with: one has been in possession of nurse Iseldir's family, and the third part was acquired by then-Captain Uther Pendragon and now is on display as part of his alien artifacts private collection at the Pendragon mansion.

char merlin: the knights, char merlin: merlin, ++ fandom: star trek, char merlin: guinevere, char merlin: aithusa, char merlin: morgause, series: fandoms in trek au, char merlin: mordred, ++ fandom: bbc's merlin, char merlin: uther pendragon, 2.0 (reboot), char merlin: mithian, char merlin: morgana, + edits, char merlin: arthur pendragon

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