Manip - Star Trek/Star Wars (Original Trilogy) ship's insignia

Sep 14, 2022 01:55

Title: Fandoms in Trek AUs: Star Wars (Original Trilogy) - ship's seal and enamel coin
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Wars (Original Trilogy) AU / Star Trek (TOS)
Rating: G
Tagline: The seal and enamel coin for the USS Alliance.
Series: Fandoms in Trek AUs ( masterpost)
About the starship: At this point I just stopped pretending I want to fit these fake ships into already existing canon or non-canon official material.
I've decided to keep the Empire (A) registry number, so to underline that their are one the mirror version of the other - where in the United Federation there'll be an Alliance (the "good guys"), in the Terran Empire there'll be an Empire (the "bad guys").
About the motto: Meh. But there isn't a decent quote in the Original Trilogy about the Alliance from which I could take a cool motto. And I liked it that "Starbird" could somehow be a counter to the Empire's "Star Destroyer".
Notes: I'm not planning to release a crew manifest for this specific ship, as I already assigned all the Original Trilogy cast to the crew of the Empire (A), which was the original idea for the Star Terk/Star Wars fusion.
Notes 2: Please note the stardate mentioned.
Hint: The Wrath of Khan and The Search for Spock are set in 2285.
Behind the seal: The red for the emblem is trilogy-canon, as seen on the helmets of the pilots. The choice of adding the white and black come from the flag - which, to my memory, wasn't shown in the movies. I also liked that used the same color scheme of the Empire, but just inverted (red where there's black and viceversa).
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Both done in a night and in a one sit, as a by-product of the Empire: I was playing with styles for the metal version and I had two versions. While I was sold on the red background, I just didn't want to delete the one with the white background, and I said myself "why not make another patch to keep it?". Thus, the Alliance logo was initially black, but further research reminded me that in canon the starbird is red.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart (seal, enamel coin), Tumblr (seal, enamel coin).

Click to see fullsize (1000 x 1000)

SF:\Classified\Possible Futures\USS Alliance\NCC_1977>_

Ship’s Name: U.S.S. Alliance
Ship’s Registry: NCC-1977
Command History: Captain Mon Mothma (?-?)
Captain Leia Organa (?-PRESENT) << incomplete data >>
Ship’s Class: Rebel Class
Ship’s Type: Scout ship
Ship’s Overview: << unavailable data >>
Ship’s Service History, abridged: << unavailable data >>
Status: Active (2285.164)
Possible Futures: << Any encounter set in a date set in the future is classified under this label, unless specific timeline can be assigned >>
Annotations: Partial data gather suggest it could be Ambassador Spock's original timeline.
Encounter date: Restricted
Encounter location: Restricted
Encounter date: Restricted
Crew complement: << unavailable data >>
Crew manifest: << unavailable data >>

Enamel coinThe enameled coin bearing the ship's seal, that is given to any crew member who serves on that ship in any capacity or rank in the centuries-long tradition of service coins.

Click to see fullsize (1000 x 1000)

1.0 (tos), ++ fandom: star wars, ++ fandom: star trek, + manips, series: fandoms in trek au

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