Title: Professor de Bois and the Royal Eagle
Artist: Hakka (
prue84 )
Fandom: BBC's Merlin (post-canon) AU / Harry Potter
AU: The Royal Eagle
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin (implied)
Characters: Merlin, Arthur Pendragon.
Rating: G
Tagline: Gaius de Bois with his feathered pet.
About the manip: An AU in which Arthur returned in the form of an animal until the time was right for him to reveal himself in his full chain-mailed self (see, when Magic decides to give Merlin his king back, even if it isn't the time for the Once and future King to rise yet, before Merlin will completely loose it).
Alternatively, a Ladyhawke-like AU, with Arthur as a Lordeagle.
Notes: This is just happened because one day me and
aleniakalain were pondering about Merlin as a bird (a falco columbarius, obviously) for an AU. From this we were wondering what kind of bird could be Arthur. It had to be some majestic bird, like the Queen or King of the skies, to fit the Once and Future King, and the eagle seemed the perfect choice. We both personally don't like the bald eagle so that one was out of the question, so we went for the golden eagle instead (bonus point: in Italian the golden eagle is called "royal eagle" XD).
Notes 2: Merlin's look (Colin from "The Living and the Dead") classifies him as "Dark Merlin", the Merlin who dabs too much in dark magic in the hope to find a way to get his king back, while terrifying the poor students at Hogwarts. So, hm. Is this to be considered some AU for the Dark HP AU?
Notes 3: Gaius de Bois is the name Merlin takes to live in anonymity and it's headcanon for us: Gaius for the man he considered a father and de Bois from the mother of the man he loved the most during his life (since "Pendragon" was out of questions of obvious reasons).
Notes 4: Yes, Merlin has kept Arthur's ring that day in Avalon and has worn it ever since: a spell protects it from whatever it might ruin it, the passing of time included.
Arthur has returned with his crown on his leg, so his stupid warlock would recognize him. Merlin has removed the crown (by enlarging it to its original size) and replaced it with one of Arthur's old circlets, way more comfortable.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
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