Manip - Winter shore leave, 02

Dec 22, 2016 21:43

Title: Winter Holidays - 02 (TOS Spock)
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (TOS)
Characters: Spock
Pairing: Kirk/Spock (implied)
Rating: PG-13
Tagline: Again, the timelines might be different, but some things will be the same. Aka, that one time when the dumbstruck Vulcan Spock ended up confined in a cabin in winter because he just can't say no to his captain - part II.
Series: Winter shore leave (2/4)
About the manip: Jim can be a little shit when he wants his mate to do something, so Spock never really had the chance to say no to the chosen location for their shore leave (revenge is best served cold, Spock: Jim hasn't forgotten your little dance in "Shore Leave"). No, in the end he doesn't regret the choice to say yes to Jim.
Notes Completely not satisfied. Spock looks so young in the promo pic I used for this. Cute baby Vulcan! <3
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Remove the fucking logo was a hell. Don't get me wrong, I like doing these kind of tasks (I wouldn't work as editor for a scanlation group if I didn't) but... yeah: goodbye cute foot and other heel.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (600 x 900)

1.0 (tos), ++ fandom: star trek, + manips, relat trek: kirk/spock, series: winter holidays, char trek: spock

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