Graphic - Star Trek AUs: Knight Rider 2008

Oct 24, 2016 01:55

Title: Star Trek AUs: Knight Rider 2008
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot) / Knight Rider (2008)
Timeline: AOS Knight Rider AU
Pairing: Kirk/Spock, Kirk/Uhura, Kirk/Spock/Uhura
Characters: James Kirk, Spock, Nyota Uhura, Christopher Pike, Pavel Chekov, Hikaru Sulu, Montgomery Scott, Leonard McCoy
Rating: G
Tagline: The Knight Industries Research Enterprise Division employees.
Series: Star Trek AUs, Knight Rider AU.
Notes: For the people who didn’t see the tv show, some explanations are in order:
Mike and KITT 3000 (Jim and Spock).
I already explained it here.
Sarah Graiman (Uhura). Sarah and Mike have been a couple before he left for a mission and vanished for years. She's been in mission with Mike and KITT, proving she’s a valid partner for them; she also takes care of KITT's software. Competent both on and off field, I though she was perfect for Uhura.
Charles Graiman (Pike). Charles Graiman is the head of the KR and also some kind of father figure for Mike, who grew up without a father, so it had to be Pike.
Billy Morgan (Chekov). Billy is what you'd call geek: he loves comic books and sci-fi, videogames and he's also unable to flirt with women. He has several advanced degrees and is a genius. I picked Scotty for this (head research technician? You just cannot not give that role to Scotty) but I changed mind after Beyond: not only Chekov fits better (youngest, cutest, buttjoke of the team, the genius) but Billy also partnered with Mike, and Chekov partnered with Jim in Beyond so...
Zoe Chae (Sulu). Zoe is witty, intelligent and pretty good on the field. Sulu can kick-ass and doesn’t need someone to save him, because he saves himself. I swear, the choice of giving Sulu the role originally of an Asian girl it’s just coincidence: I initially put Sulu as the FBI agent (Carrie below) and I changed this when I decided to switch Chekov. You cannot really have Chekov and Sulu, the Gossip Queens, split.
Carrie Rivai (Scotty). F.B.I agent, she is assigned to the Knight Industries after saving Doctor Graiman. Despite the appearance, Scotty is a kickass guy - see Into Darkness, when he faces danger and comes up with many lies in order to infiltrate - and Carrie is a kickass F.B.I agent who isn't scared to discard the rules or think with her own head (as seen in the pilot).
Alex Torres (Bones). Alex is NSA and is in charge of the KR Division. There was no role that would fit Bones in this, and I like the idea of Bones giving orders to Mike/Jim, if you ask me.
James Kirk (TOS) as Michael Knight and K.I.T.T. (2000) as Spock (TOS).
I already explained here why the Space Husbands would be perfect to fill Michael’s and KITT’s shoes (or, you now, tyres).
In the Knight Rider (2008) pilot Mike discovers his father is Michael Knight’s, the driver of the original KITT, with whom he shares name - he takes the surname later. I could really make George Kirk the partner of another KITT, I couldn’t, and James TOS worked. Sue me. :D
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): I used the original graphic for the series official site: I managed to get my hands on it via the Internet Archive.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (1386 x 1205)

Knight Industries Research's Enterprise division

Jim Kirk: Field Operative.
Former Army, Jim served in many wars and classified missions, before Uhura, his former fiancée, seeks him out for help.
Doctor Pike later talks him into becoming part of the KRS&D Enterprise unit; S.P.O.C.K was especially designed for him as its driver/partner.
His father, James Kirk, was the partner of the original S.P.O.C.K.

S.P.O.C.K: Field Unit.
A virtual Swiss Army Knife on wheels with the shape of a 2008 Mustang GT500KR, SPOCK is an artificial intelligence who is also Jim’s partner in the field. With time, SPOCK will learn to be more than a simple software and will develop friendship with Jim and Uhura.

Nyota Uhura: Systems Engineer.
Responsible for maintenance on S.P.O.C.K, she also trained as an agent and goes on the field when the mission calls for two people, or Jim needs a partner to infiltrate somewhere.
Despite their past relation, she still is Jim’s best friend.

Christopher Pike: S.P.O.C.K creator.
He designed and created S.P.O.C.K’s main processor and all the features built into the Shelby Mustang shell. He’s also the responsible for the Knight Industries Enterprise Division.
He was the one to want Jim Kirk on the team and acts like a father figure to him.

Pavel Chekov: Head Research Technician.
Need a genius for a solution of the last moment? Pavel is your man. His fighting skills are lacking but there’s no one better than him behind the console.
He and Jim are partners in crime, especially when they play unauthorized games in the main quarters.

Hikaru Sulu: Office Administrator.
He has an obnoxious sense of humor he aims at Pavel. Although he pretends to be ditsy, he’s actually a genius who also can turn into a trusty field agent, if necessary.
He and Pavel are the gossip queens of the team and they’re always making good use of their access to the cams to spy on Jim.

Montgomery Scott: FBI Agent.
He provides security and plans the missions. He’s always torn between duty toward the government and the safety of the agents.

Leonard McCoy: NSA Agent-in-Charge.
He represents the government in the Knight Industries: he assigns the missions and is the Second-in-Command of the Division under Pike.
His duty is also to curb in Jim Kirk.

char trek: pavel chekov, ++ fandom: star trek, char trek: nyota uhura, series: knight rider au, char trek: montgomery scott, char trek: spock, char trek: hikaru sulu, + graphics, 2.0 (reboot), series: star trek aus, char trek: chris pike, ++ fandom: knight rider (2008), char trek: james t. kirk, 0.0 (au), char trek: leonard mccoy

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