Edit - Star Trek AUs: Olympics

Aug 12, 2016 22:05

Title: Star Trek AUs: Olympics
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Timeline: Olympics AU
Characters: James Kirk, Spock, Leonard McCoy, Nyota Uhura, Montgomery Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Carol Marcus, Jaylah.
Rating: G
Tagline: The Enterprise Olympics team.
Series: Star Trek AUs, Olympics AU
About the manip: The Federation Olympics? The Academy Olympics? Whatever.
Notes: I was keeping the tv on and they were showing the Fencing semi-finals (with the Korean bronze winner), and I immediately thought of John Cho/Sulu and then it occurred to me… what about a Star Trek AOS Olympics AU?
This is the result.
Notes 2: Slightly edited in July 2021.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

The team
- Jim Kirk: long jump (athletics) [+ standard bearer]
well, considering the kind of jumps he’s been forced to do in the last three movies, I couldn’t not go for long jump.
He’d also be the standard bearer because hell yeah.
- Spock: diving
High jump or pole vaulting (because of ID) would’ve been perfect, but Spock is elegant (he’s a Vulcan), so I’ve been won by diving.
- Leonard McCoy: swimming (freestyle)
I wasn’t thinking about boxing (given a certain scene of Beyond), I wasn’t. Given who Bones is, a “violent” sport in which you have to hit the other didn’t work, for me, so I went for swimming (it’s a stretch as well, because of the start of ID).
- Nyota Uhura: taekwondo
Given how much physical she got in the last two movies; I thought perfect some martial discipline. I know she doesn’t specifically practice taekwondo, but it’s the closer we get with the Olympic martial arts choice.
- Montgomery Scott: javelin throw (athletics)
I admit it, I have no idea for him. He isn’t a fighter (Beyond proved), he isn’t a runner (ID proved), so… Ah. He strikes me as a thrower, don’t know why, and I liked him to throw something “precise”, hence javelin throw.
- Hikaru Sulu: fencing (foil)
You don’t even have to ask. Apparently TOS Sulu was using a foil, so foil fencing.
- Pavel Chekov: 100M/200M (athletics)
100M and 200M. Because we cannot forget his running through the Enterprise in ST XI.
- Carol Marcus: archery
I had not idea for Carol as well, so I decided on personal preference between what was left that was not related to any other practice already covered.
- Jaylah: 50M rifle
Don’t need to explain, seriously. She would excel in everything combat too but I like her better in the 50M rifle.

char trek: pavel chekov, ++ fandom: star trek, char trek: nyota uhura, char trek: carol marcus, series: olympics au, char trek: montgomery scott, char trek: spock, 2.0 (reboot), series: star trek aus, char trek: jaylah, char trek: james t. kirk, 0.0 (au), char trek: leonard mccoy, + edits

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