Title: Deadpool 3 variant - the Star Wars version
Artist: Hakka (
prue84 )
Fandom: Marvel: X-Men
Character: Wade "Deadpool" Wilson
Rating: G
Tagline: Darth Deadpool(ius), Emperor of the Galactic Empire.
Series: Deadpool takes over the fandoms
Notes: So, I'm no more into Star Wars (I still love my Star Wars but I'm just not interested in the new upcoming movies), but tomorrow the movie is out here in Italy, so Happy Star Wars!
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): I always whined about the impossibility to find a decent (read = big) image of the reboot USS Enterprise's bridge but the Emperor's room is even worst.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. This is obviously a fake comic book, based on the Fox's Deadpool.
Click to see fullsize (1200 x 1722)