Fic - The magnificent captain with a fantastic fashion sense

Nov 10, 2015 00:05

Title: The magnificent captain with a fantastic fashion sense
Author: Hakka (prue84)
Beta: Aleniakalain. Any other mistake is mine. :P
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Pairing: none
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Summary: Lesson of the day: never let James Kirk go to a photoshoot session unsupervised.
Notes: This shot is directly related to two Jim Kirk’s manips I made, this and this one. You can open the links now, and have a mental pic of what you’re about to read, or not spoil yourself and wait until you finished, it’s up to you.
Both manips have been prompted by a post Wolfi-sama reblogged. I found the right pic so I decided to make a manip out of that, and calling them part of a photoshoot. Then Wolfi-sama reblogged one of the manips with how the scene could go if that really were a photoshoot, and I couldn’t help it but write that. The actual prompt, along with additional notes, after the fic.
Fic dedicated to Wolfi-sama, and not only because she actually prompted it, but because I hope this will cheer her up a with, since she’s having a bad time. :)
Pissed because I lost more than half an hour to cut the end notes because of the 5000 limit on AO3.
Links crossposted: Dreamwidth and Tumblr.

( Story at AO3 | Story at Ad Astra | Story at SquidgeWorld )

2.0 (reboot), ++ fandom: star trek, + fanfic, char trek: james t. kirk

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