Title: I.S.S. Enterprise: the half Vulcan First Officer
Artist: Hakka (
prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
AOS Mirror AUCharacters: Spock
Rating: G
Tagline: In a mirror universe closer to the mirrorverse canon, how Commander Spock could look like.
Series: Mirrored crew
Notes: After wrapping up Jim, I decided I could try to make Spock as well, as long as I found Mirror Spock insigna and awards set (thanks, E-Bay guy for Bones, Scotty and Sulu as well!) so, really, I could not not do Spock.
Notes 2: I wanted to give some scar to Spock but I didn't find any that worked on him so... hmm, I guess Spock isn't as idiotic as his captain and doesn't allow people to leave marks on him?
Notes 3: Bones is coming. I'm planning to try do the rest of the crew. Let's see if I manage, because the position of the others in promo pics is awful. Also, I can't work just with scars: it be great to change hairstyles but I'm not able to, with the kind of light used in the promo pics.
Notes 4: Made for the mirrorweek at Tumblr.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): I blatantly recycled the shirt (actually, Jim's shirt was Spock's, since in that promo pic Pine doesn't wear the gold tunic). Forgive me. ._.
But I paid for this, believe me, because the goatee just drove me nuts. I tried with some random pics found via Google (Colin Farrell's and another guy), then I headed over Zachary Quinto's fansite hoping in a bearded!Zach. Whom I found, but in Spock's promo pic Zach keeps his face in a odd angle and nothing worked. When a bearded Zach worked, it didn't work for the lips. And then there was the whole "let's make this beard look like a goatee". Am I allowed to be pleased with the result, after hours of fighting with PS to try mask the naked skin between the hairs?
I hated that award on the bottom: cutting it out was a bitch, and I didn't even use in its full shape. -.-"
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Full credits below the manip itself.
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