[Unposted draft from Tumblr]

Jul 01, 2016 20:01

So, I don’t have many fandoms but I have two main non-canon-but-almost OTPs.

One consists in a captain and his first officer who flirted with no shame during their (five) serving years on a starship, declaring their affection and loyalty to each other at every occasion.
When their mission ends, person B runs to his home planet to purge his own emotions but hears the thoughts of person A who’s light years away. Person B dies in a very crushing scene that is the mother of all angst dead scenes for a romantic couple. Person A goes into very big troubles, and even destroys his biggest love (the starship) to save person B’s body so to put person B’s soul to rest. When person B’s preserved soul gets infused back into his body, the first person he remembers is person A’s name and person A breaks into a soft smile full of love that would kill of diabetes even Scrooge.
At some point person A gives an holo-pendant to person B as a birthday gift, and person B carries that pendant with him everyday or at least when he’s about to go to his own death because he has it when he inadvertently ends up, through a black hole, in another timeline. This same person B, when - against all odds - meets a younger version of person A in this new timeline on a forsaken planet, the first thing he says is “how did you find me?”, taking for granted that, if a person A existed, they would do their best to find person B.

The other consists in a prince-then-King and his manservant-secret-warlock.
Person A and B hate each other since their first meeting but person B saves the life of person A and gets rewarded, by person A’s father, with the position of person A manservant.
One day into his new job as manservant to the prince, person B discovers a magical plot to kill every knight taking part in a tournament and person A immediately believes him, over the word of a noble knight, even if they still don’t like each other.
In the next months/years person A and B keep saving each other’s lives, person A even goes against his father’s others to do so.
Person A is initially a bully but then grows into a very fine king, thanks to person B because person A listens to the many advice of his humble manservant.
Person A’s mother died to give birth to him so every scrap of his mother’s memory are precious to person A, but he goes to give person B (despite be unable to tell person that they are friends) a medallion bearing the sigil of his mother, a medallion that belonged to his mother. Note that person A gives his mother’s ring to the woman he loves who will become his wife and queen.
Person B’s life is dedicated to save person A’s life from a death prophecy, person B’s only goal becomes that and he makes decisions that go against his own well-being and future just for person A’s sake. When he understands he fucked up and he doomed person A, he is destroyed.
When the day comes of the final battle and person B goes to tell person A that he won’t be there (coming up with a stupid excuse because he can’t tell he lost his magic so he’ll be useless), person A is crushed.
Person B returns to the battle in time to save the day, but he fails to save person A, who gets run through by a magical sword. Person B is forced to tell his secret (his magic) and person A is destroyed because of years of lies but, in the span of less than two days, he gets to change his mind and, when he’s about to die, person A not only forgives and understands, but also thanks person B for everything, all the while asking to be held tight.
Person B has to prepare person A body for his final rest and entrusts it to the placid waters of Avalon Lake.
The last scene is a skip to nowadays (more than 1500 years later) and person B is still alive and wandering around the lake where his King rests, waiting for his King to return.

So, I don’t have many fandoms but I have two main canon-pairs.

One consists of two gay superheroes that are the canon rip-off of a famous pair of super husbands.
One is the rip-off of Superman, bright and shiny and generally a snowflakes who goes by the name of Sun God; he’s strong, he can survive in space and his eye can literally burn you to crisps. The other is the rip-off of Batman, dark and moody and the biggest bastard of Earth; he’s probably the most deadliest bad-ass of them all, with his many enhancements that makes him the perfect killer.
Their past is unknown to them, their memories start with them awake as super humans to work under the orders of a madman. They are the only ones who survive a disastrous mission and go into hiding for years. They are each other’s first lovers (at least, as far as they remember).
They eventually get recruited and their job becomes protect Earth by alien threats. The kill God, stop invasions from other timelines and find the time to marry years Marvel dares to think about doing such a thing. They even adopt a baby girl, who is probably the universe’s most powerful human, and play family.
One day person B is tricked into believe that their future is doomed and, to prevent it from happening, he has to leave their superhero group, including his husband and daughter. Person A is forced to go on and be a single dad until their daughter ages herself into a teen and fixes everything.
An almost-Apocalypse happens, their daughter vanishes (dies?) while trying to prevent it, person A’s body gets ruined so he is forced to live above the sky to reach the sun. Person B is forced on Earth and they get brief moments for them when person B, armed with a oxygen cylinder, climbs kilometers in the sky. He sends his love to person A by releasing a heart-shaped balloon.
Person A eventually gets fixed and they live (happily) ever after.
Then Wildstorm closes shop and DC buys it, rebooting everything. Now person A and person B meet for the first time and it takes them plenty of time to get together, but then they broke up because person B is idiot and scared, but when person B - who’s eager to find out about his past - gets his hands on a photo of him as teen, sends said photo to person A (who is, at this point, his ex).
Person B is about to die and calls for person A, who comes and saves him at the very last second. Person B is nursed to health by person A who, despite person B behavior, still loves him and forgives him. And they get back together.
[And who knows what the future will bring?

The other consist in two mutants, one who is the winged founder of the X-Men, rich and handsome, and the other is an English former-model with telepathy and telekinesis.
They meet when the are both broken souls, person A recovering from an evil mutant (Apocalypse) who raped his soul when he was at his lowest (he had just lost his wings), and person B has recently switched body with a kick-ass ninja.
They are together for years. One day person B is badly wounded and person A embarks on a journey in a mystical place to save her and accepts to give up part of his soul-lifetime for her. [Unfortunately this is never spoken of again in the comics]
They eventually break up because person A is truly in love but feels that person B isn’t. It turns out, comic-years later, that person B knew that she was dying and therefore... (wanted something else? Didn’t want to stay near person A and make them suffer?).
She dies, true, but then returns because this is a comic book. At some point their get back together, but person A’s mind is a mess and his past evil-self (the one he had become after he lost his wings) is trying to gain back control and person B’s powers are the only thing that keeps person A in check.
Person B eventually fails and person A fulfills his role as heir of Apocalypse and goes to do a bloody mess. Person B is forced to kill person A and, while person A’s dying, person B goes to give him the mental illusion of them living a long and fulfilling life together. Person B, at some point, says that person A was his true love.
Person B doesn’t die but his memory has been wiped out, his soul purged. Person A is crushed because they are no more but happy because he’s alive.
[I gave up on Marvel after that but I hear that he’s getting back his memories and she is with him; I really should catch up.]

Now, do you see how much fucked up and hopeless I am?

+ nonfanworks fandom tag

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