This has got to be a record for me, 3 posts in one day!?!

Oct 22, 2004 11:30

Do not be sad ladies but I got rid of the loverly angelina. I love her and want to lick her too. but alas, it was time for a change. She will be replaced by an equally lovely lady as you will shortly see. I also replaced my other ladies with jaguar and ani because they are pretty too. Maybe angelina will have a come back sometime later.
Eventually i would like to get a picture of ME or the lovely Brady licious up her cause we are hott too but that will have to wait until I get my scanner up and working.

I am avoiding studying, my brain is in a freezer right now. Ani made me do it! My head feels all full anyway. I just want to go home and eat and sit with my cats and watch movies like a bum. I can't wait for brady have some afternoons off. I'm so excited, I will only get to really see her for 2 of them but thats okay, I will least she wont be coming home at 10 oclock at night.

My period is definitely going to start soon. I feel all icky and emotional today like I just want to cry at everything today. My music is making me so happy and so sad all at the same time. I feel all around sort of grumpy at life. I wish I had control over these things....they are so lame when they hit me and they sort of creep up on me, slowly taking me down one hope at a time. Lets hope I kick it by monday. i imagine doing cartwheels and being excited and all the feelings that are overwhelming in the opposite sphere of existence and it just sort of bubbles at the surface and never gets the chance to emerge.

It makes me wonder about the happiness; the elation from things that tend to make me happy and talkative... how is that elation different in concept from sadness and weariness and depression? They are both of the same magnitude but because one makes us feel okay and the other wears us down we consider elation to be fundamentally different and ultimately good.

And as for the concept of goodness. We are able to define it as both a feeling and an action, the action being to do good things. and yet isn't good and bad subjective? But everyone, including myself attempts to define goodness and to put classifications on those actions which we feel are fundamentally or inherently good. But I don't think good could ever be inherent. Now the question is: is it the concept of good feeling and bad feeling what is subjective, or can we classify depression and elation as fundamentally subjective as well? Isn't society placing it's own judgment on depression and elation? When does something stop being generally bad feeling to being classified as "depression"? where is the line?
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