May 01, 2005 16:51 and koty are just sitting here...bored out of our minds
i have to bbsit in a 2 hours. it sucks. friday i went to the movies
and mall with scott jessica and matt it was fun :-D then i
spent the night at jess's and came home and did
nothing yesterday...had to bbsit my sister...and just talked on
the tele then today me and koty went to scotts soccer game
and felt like total we left and had a adventure in
downtown clarkston...we thought we found a KKK party...but
we got down there and there was a big sign that said Walk and Roll
lol....then we saw eminem driving down the road and a boy that
looked like he was faking being blind and koty wanted to go in a coffee
shop and it ended up being a old people cookie shop so we had to buy
something so we bought some sick no bake and then
just walked the ghetto streets of DT *downtown* clarkston lol...
found the daycare where hanzel and gredel died. oh and you cant
forget the old fat man...riding his bike with a little kid helmet on
then we went back to the game...felt retarded and left again to walk
to little ceasers lol...and then no one talked to us when we got back
lol..what a fun we are just sitting here eating my sweet
puppy chow and talking online