Feb 25, 2006 12:53
You know, it really is the little things that matter. For the past 3 days I have been craving Italian food like woah, and there's not really much I can do about it. I have to wait another 13 days until I will be able to consume anything even remotely close to good tasting Italian and it makes me really sad. Also, our school newspaper just published a story about how many health code violations the cafeteria, better known as TDR as been racking up over the past few years. At one point, it was almost closed because it was so unsanitary. That really makes me look forward to going to eat there anytime soon.
Also, the beach. Last year, anytime I was upset about anything. I would drive to the beach. Even if I had just stayed up all night for absolutely no reason, or just happened to be up at 6 am, I would drive to the beach to watch the sunrise, and it just made everything better. Even if once I left the beach, everything was disastrous (OMG that was spelled incorrectly, but I spell checked it and fixed it, just for you kids) again, being at the beach by myself just watching the water meet the earth was beautiful. Although, those weird little flies that are their in the morning did tend to aggitate me just a little.
And the day that the insomniac crew went, well that was simply amazing.
And even though we always complain that there is nothing to do after a certain time on Long Island, here, it is worse. All the cute stuff downtown seems to close with the sunset. Unless you're 21, of course. I realized that if I ever complain about being bored when I'm 21, then it will just prove that I am a complainer. No one 21 and up should ever be bored because there is always something open to them.
Having a car here would be a really big pain in the ass, because parking is ridiculous all over the city. It would also be really handy sometimes. To take public transportation from Tenleytown to Georgetown takes 45 minutes to an hour. It takes longer during rush hour. By car, Georgetown is less than 5 minutes away. I think one day I want to try to walk there, just to see if its faster than taking the bus. Stupid Georgetown people and not wanting a Metro stop. They don't know whats good for them.
I really like my new roommate Rachel. We get along really well. She's also really considerate, and always asks me if I want her to turn of the tv/lights/music whatever. It pretty much rocks. It helps that she's not here nearly as often as I am. She has an internship during the weekdays, classes, a job at the Letts gym desk, and all of her sorority stuff. It means I pretty much get the room to myself pretty often. I enjoy that. What I really like though, is that we can talk about anything. If I just don't feel like going out, or my head is going to explode because I have a stupid 10 page book report due, or her mom loses her job or anything, we just talk about it all. She has talked to me a lot about how almost all of her friends from last year transferred and how she wanted to also, and its nice to just have someone to talk to about everything.
I also have Tory, who is the love of my life. But TORY has been really busy with all of her sorority stuff lately. She always makes time for me when I need her to of course, which makes me love her all the more, but things are just different now. It's weird when I don't see her for awhile. I don't like it. I don't know what I'm going to do without her if/when I transfer.
As you can imagine, she's not to keen on the idea. She and my mom both have been trying to get me to keep my grades up and do better. My mom got really upset that I got a B on my german test that I got back yesterday. I got upset after I got off the phone with her because I was really glad to have gotten that B. I don't think there is anything I could have done to do better on that test. I can't study all of the different parts of German grammar before every test. I would rather swallow a shoe whole. (I'm sorry. That was a really weird thing to say. I would NEVER do that. I like shoes too much.)
Ever since I woke up, I've been thinking about going to the zoo. I feel like the zoo could be my DC version of the beach. I could go and watch the tigers all day long. I love tigers. Of course, the zoo isn't the easiest place to get to. Well, it's not difficult, I just am lazy and I would have to take the shuttle to the metro stop, then take the metro to woodleypark even though its only like 2 stops and then I would have to walk for a while. It's kind of chilly out today. I think I'll try for next weekend. It's supposed to be a bit warmer.
Anyway, I don't think there was an actual point to this entry. I'm just rambling really. And I should stop doing that. It's too much of a Kevin Cavooris thing to do. God, does that kid ramble! Anyway, love to all, later.